Chapter 7-Upper Hand

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Chapter 7-Upper Hand

I was meeting Jason up at the Mickey D's parking lot. I don't really know what we plan on doing, I just really needed to get what just happened off my mind.

As I pulled into the parking lot I just kept repeating, "Don't forget lime light attraction. Never let any body in on the real you. Never get close. Play the game. Show them who's the boss. Give'um the worst month of their life," in my mind.

I don't know how it helped, but it gave me the confidence that no matter what noone will get on my good side so easy, like Joel did. They will have to beat the game before they get the prize ;).

I notice there's only one empty spot in the lot and pull in before it gets taken. I pull my keys out of the ignition and lean against my head rest.

"It's been said and done, every beautiful thoughts been already song. And I guess right now here's another one, so...." My ring tone blares through the car.

I slide open my phone and click "Read Now" on a text I just received.

From Jason:'I C U ;) <3'

To Jason:'Is my BMW that obvious? *Blush*'

From Jason:'Your in a BMW? Oh shi+++++, sorry random chick in the Ferrari. ;)'

To Jason:'Ohhh, you mixed me up with a random girl? It means so much to me that you'd confuse me w/ someone else. *Sarcasm noted* :)

From Jason:'I'm kidding baby, I'm parked right beside you. You're all that I see. <3'

Hmmmm. Baby? I'm not sure I liked it, but I can think of that later. I quickly snap my head both left and right self consciously of someone actually watching me. And there he was. Sitting in his sleek black convertible.

My cheeks turn a violet shade of red as my eyes meet his dashingly sexy blue eyes that have specks of green entwined the deep ocean blue. I was so embarrassed I really just wanted to look away but I was captivated by the glint just from the tiny light the moon gave off that made his eyes shine in the sexiest way possible.

I would say I was in a trance, but my eyes slowly traced over the rest of his body. Shaggy honey brown hair hung just above his ears. Thankfully his ears, nose, lips, and whatever else people discover these days, was not pierced. He had a strong nose, along with plump almost heavenly lips only gods should have. Not a spot of acne. Where did this boy come from? Wait. Wait. It doesn't matter where he came from, he's going straight to L.L.A.

I shake my head slightly to clear my mind, and remember what I was ranting in my head earlier. This is just a game. A game to me, because he obviously just want's some kind of acting career out of this... Not that he couldn't get one on his own... Ohh those sculpted shoulder hiding under his abecrombie shirt.

'Snap out of this Sage' I shout in my head turning slightly to pinch my face without him seeing.

''Ok, he's just like every other guy. No reason to over react. You can do this. Just get out of the car and strut your stuff. You know you got it in you." I ramble while struggling with the door handle and finally making my way out of the car.

I try and get my breating under control as I lean against the hood of my car awaiting for my sexy stalker to join me out in the night breeze.

I close my eyes and point my head towards the night sky letting the slight sprinkles of rain to wash away my rosy red cheeks.

I soon here a door slowly clamp shut and feel two arms secure around my slim waist.

"Come'on babe it's gunna rain and we don't want a cutey like you getting a cold." He whispers into my ear causing me to shiver.

"Where are we going to go?" I whisper against his neck snuggling closer to him when the breeze begins to pick up.

My actions must of done something to him, because he sounded kind of chocked up when he replied, "Wher-wherever you want baby."

Ohh, so he likes this huh?

I scoot in pulling my head closer and closer to the nook where his neck meets his (as a I said before, very muscular) shoulders. I moan, "Can we just do something..... anything. I'm just soo... Tired." I finish while teasing him with a brush of my tongue against his warm skin.

There's a hitch in his breating as he pulls me off the hood and against him. My knees go up around his hips resting on the car. My breathing quickens from the motion. I soon realize my whole body is resting on his.

I was right... He DID like me breathing on his neck. I could feel his heated skin under my palms that were now around his neck.

"You know, I'm really tuurned on right now." Jason whispers rubbing his hands up and down my back.

"Yeah I know," I smirk while straddling him even more.

When he leans his face towards mine I snap my head sideways letting his lips hit my cheek.

"You have to earn that buddy..." I wink and jump off him hurrying to the passenger door of his car.

You always have to have the 'Upper Hand'.


Sorry it's taken sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long! So I think I might upload two today :)!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2011 ⏰

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