Chapter 5

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Suddenly I lost hearing and my vision became blurry. Random shapes and objects started moving around in my vision which I think were people around me moving. I felt someone kneel down next to me holding my head and for a split second my vision came back, and the person looking down at me was the boy I saw outside my house then suddenly everything went black.


I woke up with a pounding headache and an aching body, my dress I wore to the party is still on and crinkled. I test out my wrists but somehow they feel fine even though they were grabbed all of yesterday. WAIT, YESTERDAY? OH NO! WHERE AM I? MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME! WHERES CARA? Holy crap! Whose bed is this? WHA-

“Well, look who’s finally up” says a very familiar and very amused voice next to me. I look up to see Jared.


Wearing only boxers.


 “Uhh... w-what? Ho-w? You! Shirt! Now!... Please?” What!? Did I really just say that?

“Oh... yeah! Uhh...” He laughs nervously “Give me sec.” His lips turn up into a smirk and he walks over to his drawers and pulls out a random shirt and pulling it over his head swiftly. My eyes follow him the entire time.

And oooooh my God his back muscles! So...Toned!!!

Please don’t put the shirt on; please don’t put the shirt on! I was only kidding!

“Sorry... What?”

“Huh? Oh, nothing!” I can’t believe I just said that out loud. I quickly change the subject “So… exactly how did I get here?”

“I drove you.” He said sarcastically, laughing at his own joke.

“Very funny… but seriously what happened last night?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Not really, all I remember is blacking out.” And that boy again... What was he doing at the party? And how did he know who I was? Oh man, this is too much for my brain to process this early in the morning.

“It’s 12.30 in the afternoon.” I look at Jared again to see the smirk back on his face. I really gotta stop thinking out loud.

“I guess you also remember that boy from last night. Do you even know who he was? He didn’t say a single word to me apart from carrying you to my car and running off. He was...strange, but seemed like he cared for you.”

“I’ve got no clue who he is apart from seeing him outside my house the other day.” Jared moves and sits on the bed with me.

“He was at your house? Did he do anything to you?”

“Apart from smile at me? No.” That made us both laugh. “He didn’t seem harmless or anything but I just really want to know who he is” I mumble and play with his blanket.

“Well you won’t find out until you somehow run into him again.  How about we go grab something to eat it might make you feel better?” Of course at that moment my stomach started to roar like a lion, making Jared break out into laughter. My face turns tomato red.

“Oh! I gotta make a quick phone call; I’ll be down in a few”

“Yeah sure, I’ll just go put some pants on... That might help.” Now it was my turn to laugh. I glance around his room and surprisingly my clutch was beside the bed. I sigh in relief and grab it off the nightstand and leave to let Jared get changed.

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