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EDITED 6-25-17

Emryn awoke the morning the Fellowship was due to leave to find Lilethwyn sitting by the table, an untouched breakfast laid out in front of her, staring out the window. Lilethwyn's eyes were red, as if she had been crying, and she was still in the light blue dress she had worn the day before.

Emryn rose from her bed and went over to sit beside her. It was then that Lilethwyn turned to look at her, before she burst into tears.

"Why must you go, Emryn? Why this quest?" She choked out between sobs. Emryn reached over and wrapped an arm around her, and stroked her hair, as Lilethwyn had done for her when she had been younger. "Haldir says it's a suicide mission," she continued, pulling back and gazing at Emryn with a pleading look, "Why can you not go on any other quest? One where your life is guaranteed? We've been friends for ages, Emryn. I don't want to loose you now." Her crying had slowed, though she was still hiccuping.

Emryn huffed. "It's not a suicide mission Lilethwyn," she paused. "I am meant to go with them, Lilethwyn, I have seen it," Emryn replied, her eyes closed, thinking of the riders, the tree, and those brown eyes...

Lilethwyn gave a resigned sigh, and passed Emryn her plate. "You'd better eat up then," she said with a forced smile, and began picking at her own plate. "But whomever will I talk to while you're gone?" She asked in mock worry. Emryn laughed.

"I dare say Haldir wouldn't mind keeping you company. He might even offer for you to share his flet if you get too lonely," she shot back, with a wicked grin and a mischievous glint in her eye.
Lilethwyn was blushing furiously. "Emryn!" She cried, staring at her cackling friend in dismay, before she to started giggling. "If you ever say any of this to Haldir, Emryn I swear by the Valar I will-"

Before she got to continue there was a knock at the door. "Lady Calad, it's time!" A voice announced. The women's smiles quickly left their faces. Emryn went to her bed and strapped on her sword, bow, and knives, and threw her quiver over her shoulder. She then turned to Lilethwyn, and hugged her tightly.

"Goodbye, Lilethwyn," she whispered, her eyes glistening. I will not cry. Not now. She pulled away, and with a last glance at Lilethwyn, turned and closed the door.

"Goodbye, melon," Lilethwyn whispered. May the Valar watch over you, my friend, she prayed silently, before bursting into tears again.


When she arrived at the boats Lady Galadriel was bestowing the Fellowship, now adorned in the grey cloaks of Lothlorien, with gifts. She saw Lord Celeborn standing off to the side, a grim look on his face, beckoning her over. She walked up to him, bowing, when he spoke.

"Little Calad," he started, smiling, though it quickly faded. "You have chosen a dangerous and painful path. Your company is being followed, by what we presume to be the creature Gollum. The Yrch are roaming further out across Middle Earth than when you last travelled outside our borders. You must be careful of where you go, and whom you trust."

"Thank you my Lord, and I swear by the Valar to keep the rest of the Fellowship and myself as safe as my abilities allow," she replied, nodding her head. She was about to turn away, when he began speaking again.

"I have a gift for you, Emryn, though it is not from me," he said, a small smile on his face again. "I was beseeched by a young border guard in training to give you this before you left." He handed her a small wooden box, engraved with vines surrounding the letter E. Emryn nearly started tearing up again, but she composed herself.

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