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So originally I had just written a summary of what had happened to everyone after the war, but the way I had done it plagued me for months, so I decided to write it out this way instead. Thank you again for reading, and I hope you enjoy the official ending of The Second Heir!
EDITED 6-26-17

A woman stood alone upon the stairs of Meduseld, the wild Rohirric winds tousling her hair and skirts. Her crown gleamed dully in the grey light of the clouds as she scanned the plains, waiting.

There. In the distance a cloud of dust rose swiftly, signaling the arrival of the party. The woman grabbed her skirts and sprinted for the stables, saddling her mare and taking off out the gates.

A single rider rode out ahead of the party, driving his horse urgently against the wind that whipped his greying hair about his head. When he reached the woman, they drew up their horses and dismounted, clasping each other in a fierce hug.

"How is your mother, Lilethwyn?" The man asked the princess, who shook her head gravely.

"She-she doesn't have long left," Lilethwyn replied shakily, as the rest of the Gondorian party reached the pair. A woman with flowing black hair approached them drawing the woman into a hug.

"Westu Hal, my dear," she said, pressing a kiss onto her forehead.

"Westu Hal, auntie," she replied.

"Have the others arrived?" Aragorn asked her, to which she nodded. They mounted their horses and took off for the Golden Hall.


The room was filled with people, all focused on the woman lying upon the bed. Her hair, once a glowing bronze, had turned the same color as her steel grey eyes. The woman laughed, cutting through the somber silence.

"All my life I have never known any of you to be this quiet," she said, but then, upon seeing the elf, amended, "except perhaps you, Legolas."

"Your wit has not failed you, it would seem," Aragorn said from his place beside the bed, and Emryn gripped his hand in her weak one.

"Of course not, dear brother. Now, Lilethwyn, tell me, how are the Shieldmaidens coming along? Is there enough yet to form an eored?" She asked, turning to her daughter.

Lilethwyn smiled at her mother, though tears brimmed in her eyes. "Almost, mama. Brega is riding across the eastfold to recruit more women."

"That is good," Emryn said, pride filling her eyes as she looked upon her second born.

A man rushed into the room, his golden hair unusually unkept. "Mother! Forgive me, we just rode in."

"Always late, aren't you Elfwine?" A dark-haired man said, and Elfwine turned to address the speaker.

"Indeed, but at least I was on time for my own wedding, unlike you, Eldarion," Rohan's King shot back, and the everyone in the room chuckled at the memory.

Emryn's coughing turned to wheezing, and the room sobered up once more. Aragorn placed a hand on his twin's shoulder as Melodwyn, Eldarion's wife and daughter of Lothiriel, handed her a cup of water.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Emryn said, waving them off. Her coughing subsided, but her chest tightened, and she knew it was almost time.

Looking around at all who had gathered in her room, a warm smile crept onto her face. "Do not mourn for me, my dears. I have lived long and well, and I do not fear what may come next."

Tears stained the faces of those around her, and Aragorn tightened his grip on her hand, feeling her life force ebbing away.

"Just because you are ready, lassie, doesn't mean the rest of us are," Gimli said, and Legolas placed a comforting arm around his shoulders.

Emryn smiled weakly, and turned back to her children. "Eomer would be so proud of you two."
They smiled back through their tears, and Emryn patted the bed beside her, where they curled up against her as they had when they were children.

As they lay there, Emryn's breathing grew shallow, and Aragorn scooted closer, bringing her hand to rest by his heart. "Come now, Calad, you're more stubborn than this. Fight it," he urged, the fear of seeing his sister die clawing at his chest.

Emryn gave his hand a light squeeze, and a sad smile crossed her tired face. "It's been thirty-six years since I have seen him, Estel. I miss my husband."

She coughed again, and looked up at her brother. "I love you, Estel. Elfwine, Lilethwyn, all of you," she said, looking around the room. "I bid you all a very fond farewell."

And with that, Emryn, daughter of Gilraen the Fair, Fiery Queen of Rohan, breathed her last.


Emryn woke to a blinding white light, and warm arms wrapped around her waist from behind her.

"I told you I would see you when this was over," he said, and Emryn fell back into the embrace of her husband.

"Indeed," she said, sighing in contentment. "I'm home."



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