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Emryn dressed hurriedly, throwing on her tunic and trying to put on her armor and brush her hair at the same time. Her stomach grumbled unhappily, but she ignored it. Emryn had woken up not five minutes ago, and they were supposed to be riding out in twenty minutes; she was forced to skip breakfast, because the trek to the stables alone takes over half that amount of time.

She threw her pack over her shoulder after double checking that she had all of her healing supplies, and ran out of the room and down to the stables. The streets were crowded with women and children, all wanting to say farewell to their men. By the time she actually made it to the stables, most of the men were mounted and getting into formation.

She cursed her oversleeping tendencies as she ran into the stables, almost knocking a stableboy into the wall as she did. However, when she made it to Gwaeryn's stall, she was surprised to find that Gwaeryn wasn't alone.

"Thought you could leave without saying farewell?" Eowyn asked, a teasing smile on her face.

Emryn smiled and hugged the Shieldmaiden. "Had I not woken up less than half an hour ago, I would have stopped by. But now I need to-" she paused when she noticed Gwaeryn was already saddled and waiting for her. "Eowyn, you shouldn't have done this in your condition! Though I'm rather glad you did," she said with a bemused expression.

"Oh, that wasn't me," Eowyn said, a wry grin on her face. "But I did see some Rohirric man in here not too long ago. He left this on the saddle." She held out a sprig of fresh lavender, it's clean scent cutting through the smell of horse and dirt.

Emryn fought back a blush as she took the lavender, all too aware of the look Eowyn was giving her. "Well, it seems I must find this Rider and give him my thanks."

Eowyn smiled warmly and wrapped her in a hug once more. "Take care, Emryn. I would like for my best friend to come back alive."

"I always do. Farewell, Eowyn," she replied, and then she mounted Gwaeryn and took off out of the stables.
Eowyn watched her go, but all the reassurances in Arda couldn't shake the dread in her heart.


They had been riding for days; Emryn's legs ached, there was dirt in her boots, and if one was to try and smell the difference between her and Gwaeryn, they would be hard pressed to make the distinction.

She rode at the head of the line with her brother; the rest of the Fellowship behind them. Legolas rode with Gimli, Pippin with Gandalf, and Merry with her. Also with them was Eomer, who was now in his Uncle's place, acting as King of Rohan until his official coronation, and Prince Imrahil.

Emryn was just imagining how good a hot bath and warm meal would feel when suddenly they rounded a corner and Morannon, the Black Gates, loomed before them. A shiver passed over her, and she felt Aragorn's unease from beside her. Behind them, she could hear anxious murmurs spreading through the soldiers as they marched forward, and their fear was palpable.

"Well, Estel, at least there aren't any cliffs for you to go jumping off of here," she said, a forced grin on her face as she tried to lighten her brother's mood.

He gave her a small smile in return, but they both knew how bad the odds of them making it out alive were.

When they had formed ranks on the field before the Black Gates, Aragorn led their small group forward, even closer to the Gates. Gwaeryn snorted in fear as they stopped before them, and Emryn murmured soothing words as she rubbed her neck to calm her.

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