Dancing Flames

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EDITED 6-25-17


The return to Edoras was quick, for everyone was looking forward to a hot bath and a warm bed. Emryn's stomach rumbled. Juicy lamb, potatoes, fresh bread....

They went to the stables and tended to their mounts before parting ways to take care of their duties. Emryn rubbed down Gwaeryn, whose sides were dark with sweat from the day's ride.

"Alacarna, Gwaeryn," Emryn whispered to her mare as she gave her a bucket of oats. The mare snorted and nudged Emryn's hands. "Looking for rewards,are you? I suppose you deserve one," she said as she pulled a carrot out a bucket hanging outside of the stall beyond Gwaeryn's reach. 

She tossed it in the stall, and then left and made her way to the Hall, where she found Eowyn waiting for her.

"Westu Hal, Emryn," the Shieldmaiden said, embracing Emryn.

Emryn smiled. "Westu Hal."

Eowyn pulled away with a mischievous look in her eyes. "Come with me," she said, pulling Emryn into the Hall and to their shared room. The midday sun lit up the room, and the dresses laying out on the bed. Emryn pulled up short and looked warily from Eowyn to the gowns.

"What are these for?" She asked with some trepidation. Please no...

"There's to be a celebration for our victory tonight! We must get you ready!" Eowyn replied cheerfully, and Emryn groaned.

Back in Lothlorien, there had been occasional celebrations and balls, and Emryn dreaded them. For fifty years, she was regarded as an outsider, but forced to talk to and dance with many there because she was the Lady's ward. They were always stiff and horrid affairs. She had been to a Rohirric dance only once before, but she struggled to recall how it had been. Probably lively, considering these folk.

"You're a little taller than me, so these might be a hair short. I doubt many of the other ladies of the court have anything that would fit much better though. You're very tall, compared to us," Eowyn said, interrupting her thoughts. She held out a dark brown gown and shooed Emryn into the bathroom to try it on. The fabric was thick wool, and very heavy. The skirt ended several inches above her ankles, and the sleeves were almost halfway up her forearm. Absolutely not. She stepped out of the bathroom, hoping that Eowyn wouldn't have anything else for her.

"Oh my," was all Eowyn said, before laughing and handing her a deep green gown. Emryn sighed, and went back to put it on.

The fabric was softer than the other, probably made of cotton, and much lighter. The dress was longer, only ending just above her ankles, and the sleeves were made of a draping material, so it didn't look like they were too short. The neckline, hem, and sleeves were lined with a thin gold stripe. Emryn slipped it over her head and stepped back out into the bedroom.

Eowyn gasped when she saw Emryn. The dress hugged her curves, accentuating her athletic form built by years of training. The green brought out the red and blonde in her hair, and it contrasted her pale skin beautifully. I know someone who will like this, she thought with a smirk.

"Well? Is it that bad?" Emryn asked jokingly, heading to a mirror in the corner. Well I suppose this isn't quite so bad. Her stomach rumbled softly. Food would be better though.

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