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Hello there? First of all, the mere fact that you're reading this message means you found yourself curious about how this story will go. I would like to inform you that this is not a PJO fanfiction. I define fanfiction as a fan-written story with the inclusion of the book's original characters, although, my story will surely brings resemblances from Sir Rick Riordan's PJO series. I can accept the term 'PJO copycat", that's fine. There is no such thing as original theme, only original story.

Some of the characters name here actually came from real people. I would like to say thank you for those who let me used it. 

Olympians' Lost Progenies is a story of a 12- year old Filipino demigod named Jimuel Perez. He gets attacked by tiktiks one summer day and then rescued by a famous Filipino giant. Soon he found himself in a Demigod Village and started trying to live as he is supposed to be. Eventually, a problem occur. An amulet given by a god to a Filipino hero gets stolen. Jimuel is one of the demigods required to do the Task of finding the culprit. 

The Olympians' Lost Progenies referred to the nine demigods in the story who will do the Task. The demigods are Jimuel, Barry, May, Emma, En, Nicole, Logan, Jecko and Ayase. Why calling them 'Olympians' Lost Progenies'? Simply because their godly parents are Greek, but whoever these godly parents are, it's up to you to discover!

How the story goes is what will amaze you specially if you are a Filipino. You will find some stories, characters and creatures that you never thought parts of our rich mythology. 

I hope you'll enjoy reading! Don't forget to comment and share this to your friends! :)

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