Dare 6 and Welcome !!!

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T00tsi3 -

Jeff: jefff ask out lulu now. ITS DA SHIP
Lost sliver: I dare u to try a pick a pen up... xD (he ha su arms if u didn't know)

Sally: Sally, how much do u love ur teddy
Lulu: SUP MY BFF! how's it like to live with the creepypastas?! And also, can I join?!
Ej: nu kidneys for a day
Masky and hoodie: I dare u to prank slenderman >:3


Me: *reads it and runs around the mansion screaming* YAAAAYY !!!!

Everyone: *looks at me weird* What are you doing, Darkus ??

Me: *stops running* One of my BBF is going to stay here !!!

Masky: *looks at me* Who is it?!?!

Me: *smile * Gail !!!

Masky, Hoodie and LJ: *eyes widen * NO !!!!

Me: *smiles * Yep !!! And we have dare to answer and question !!!

Everyone: *smile *


Toby: *opens the door and close it* Lulu, she's here...

Me: Toby, that was mean !!! *open the door and smile at Gail* Hello !!

Gail: *smiles and hugs me* Lulu, my BBF !!!

Me: *moves aside and let her come in*

~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 hours~~~~~~~~

Me: *holds the dare and ask list* LOST SILVER, JEFF, EJ,Sally, Masky and Hoodie !!

Sally: *skips in and sit down next to me* What is it, lulu??

Me: We need to wait for the others .... *reads Magna*

Lost Silver: *floats and floats on top of Me and Sally * H-Hi !!

Sally: How about know ?!?

Me: We need Jeff, EJ and Masky ?!?!

Masky: *runs and hit the wall*

Me: Huh.... Déjà vie??

Hoodie: *helps Masky get out of the wall* Masky, how ???

Me and Gail: Déjà vie !?!?

Jeff: *walks in smiling as usual*

EJ: *walks in eating a Kidney*

Sally: *smiles* Finally!!! Lulu, tell us already!!!

Me: Gail , tell them !!!

Gail: Okay!! *grabs the ask and dare paper* Let's see?!?

Masky: *flies out of the walls and landed on Hoodie* I'm free and why she doing the dare and the ask ?!? *gets off of Hoodie and walks sit down on the floor* I don't want to be torture again !!!

Me: *smirk* Masky and Hoodie are first !!!

Gail: *smiles evil * Masky and hoodie I dare u to prank slenderman >:3

Masky and Hoodie: *hugs each other in fear* Nooo !!!!!

All of us except Masky and Hoodie: Do the dare !!!!

Masky and Hoodie: *sighs* Fine !!! *walks to their room to plan*


Gail: *reads the list * Next one is Lulu !!

Me: Okay, tell me !!!

Gail: Lulu how's it like to live with the creepypastas?!

Me: *smiles* Well, I love being here but I don't like living with L-Laughing J-Jack.

Dare Or Ask: Creepypasta EditionWhere stories live. Discover now