_smol_lost_goner_ - *throws smoke bomb and appears in front of them* hahahahahahahahahaha *cough, cough, cough* ah i choke on my saliva........Ok I have a dare for all of you!!! You all have to dress up as eachother which ever you guys want to be!! *runs Naruto style out*
*everyone appears*
Sally: what kind of dares??
Toby: *holds Art*
Hoodie: ....
Masky: Spill
Liu: tell us, Lulu
Jane; what is it angle?
Judge angle: *looks at jane and back to me*
Bloody Painter: *continue drawing with Artistic Madman*
Puppeteer: *watch them and back to me* j
Me: *looks at BP, AM, AND PUP* oh shit!!! *looks back at them* what...???
everyone: WHATS THE DARE!!!!!
Me: oui!! la dare... ah!! the dare!! okay.. *reads the paper* your dare is to switch clothes with each other doesn't matter except for me. I could wear anything...honhonhonhon whoop whoop whoop!!! *smiles innocently* NOW GET STARTED!!!!!*runs off but stop* with guys switch guys and girls with girls..*runs off*
Jeff: holy shits!! *looks at ben's outfit in the mirror* I ain't fabulous no more!! *whine* this doesn't fit me that much!! I look like Imma going to a garden or something!!!
Ben: HEY!! first off Legend of Zelda is my favorite game and so I dress up as link and second you weren't fabulous at all!
Jeff: *grabs his knife and throws it at him but he dodges it* First of F**K OFF AND SECOND I'M FABULOUS THEN ANYONE!!
Me: *appear in thin air and is sitting on Jeff's stomach* FIRST OFF YOUR NOT FABOULOUS.. THE ONLY FABULOUS IS THESE PEOPLE!!!!! *shove a picture in his face* look at them!!!
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*flips to the next one* look at my smol childrens!!!
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