Me: Five more minutes!!!! *cover myself and curls up*
Hoodie: Lulu, today is a special day for You...
Me: *peeks out* What day is it?!
Hoodie: *hugs Me* Happy Birthday, Lulu~~
Me: yay!!!! *hugs back and cuddle with him*
Hoodie: *hugs back*
Me: Lets celebrate!!!!
- 3 min-
Me: *Wearng the clothing and make up* (from the pic)
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Hoodie: *knocks on the door* Hey Lu, you ready?
Me: *comes out* Yeah... So what are we going to due?
Hoodie: um... *blush alot under the mask* You look hot and beautiful!!
Me: *smiles and blush* Thank you....*blush more* Lets go..
~~ movies~
Hoodie and i: *watch Sucide Squad and interest while eating munchies*
Me: *holds hoodie hand* That was awesome birthday ever!!!
Hoodie: *hold me close to him* Your welcome baby...
Me: *walks in and the mansion is dark* Hello? *gets scared quickly until the lights are on*
Everyone except Jeff and Stacy: SUPRISE!!!!!
Me: *tears up* Holy macro!!!! I thought all of you guys for got my birthday !!!!
Everyone:*dancing to Teenagers from MCR*
All my Friends: *sing the song while the guys just watch or sing or dance or eat*
Me: *dance and singing with my friends*
Hoodie: *records while smiling*
Stacy: *walks in wearing a spaghetti shirt and almost like booty shorts* ugh! What the hell is this shitty music?! It sucks just Like this birthday Lulu and your looks and outfit!! *flips her hair while laughing*
My friends: *pops are knuckles* AH HELL NAH!!! YOUR GOING TO DIE!! *attacks her while I watch*
(insert what you do to stacy when she thinks your favorite band suck)
Stacy in the hospital from the beating of my friends and some of the pasta that love the music and proxy. Jeff with her from hurting one of my friends and got a falcon punch and a jungle twister kick from me.
Me: *smile* Thank you so much!!!!! *HANDS YOU CAKE AND CANDY*
ALL OF MY FRIENDS: *SINGS This is gospel and emperor's new clothing from Panic! at the disco*
Me: *sings along*
Hoodie: *chuckles* Thank you and leave a like...
Sully: VOTE
jane: COMMENT!!
everyone: *waves* Bye!!
my friends and i: *hands out* IF YOU LOVE ME THEN LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! IF YOU LOVE ME GOOOOOOOOO !! *continue singing*
(i'm updating all the chapter that I forgot to update and this was from May 7.... so sorry!! :( )