Dare 9 and ask 4

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IronWarriors -

Zora:"EYY EVERYBODY!How are ya?And btw who are the couples?"

Me:"I dare Jeff and BEN to do Caramel Dancing with cat ears and a tail!

(sorry, I couldn't find Jeff and Ben wearing cat ears and a tail dancing to this song and sorry human Jeff is here and just image Ben and Jeff wearing cat ears and a tail. I love this video its so KAWAII !!! >^<)

Me: *read the list* Okay then....Lets get this dare on!!!*smiles and walks to the living room to see the Creepypasta crew in a chaos mess*

Nina: *flirts with Jeff but gets ignore*

Jane and Jeff: *fights and argue with each other*

Masky: *gets piss off because one of Toby's hatchet is on his head*

Toby: *walks away like a boss but was stop when Masky lunge at him*

Hoodie: *looks nervous and scared at the same time at Toby and Masky action but gets involve when Toby accidently punch him*

EJ: *watch the fights while eating a Kidney and ignore Nina flirting*

Ben: *plays his video games but was hit when Jeff punch him and fights Jeff with Janes help*

Me: *eye twitch and felt my demon side coming out while letting my bangs fall to my face*

Gen and B. Twin: *came out of nowhere and makes everyone behave with holy water and some other stuffs while calming down with my own stuff* There, There lulu.....calm down and tell them the dares and ask... *show me pictures of The Undertaker from Black Butler*

Me: *nosebleed a little and clean the mess* Okay, I'm good.... Now lets get with the dares... BEN AND JEFF, YOUR THE ONLY ONES DOING THIS DARE AND THAT'S IT !!

Jeff and Ben: *looks at me and nods* Okay

Jeff: *looks at me* Love,are you okay?? Is something wrong??
Me: *looks at him with one eye that is bloody red* Maybe....Just let me tell you about your dare o-

Ben: Let someone tell the dare okay...you look stress out or mad ...

Me: *looks at Ben with both of my demon eyes* I'm Not angry !!! *eyes turn back while my bangs cover my eyes again* I'm just tired...

Gen and Bloody Twin: *looks at the Creepypasta crew* Family stuff...

All of them: *nods as they understand* Okay..

Me: *sigh* Well, Gen and Bloody Twin well do my dares and ask for right now until I feel better... *walks away*

Gen and B. Twin: *high five each other* Yay !!! okay lets began !!! *reads the dare*

Gen: I'll do the dare and.....

B. Twin: I'll do the ask!!

~~~~ 2 hours later brought u by fnaf1 song~~~~~~~

Gen: Okay Jeff and Ben your dare is dance Caramel Dancing with cat ears and a tail !!!
Jeff: *eyes widen not as usual* No, I won't dance...
Ben: *his eyes widen too* with cat ears and a tail !!!!
Gen: *thinks of a plan and smirks* Fine then...Lulu won't be happy if she sees this and plus I'm recording this to show her....after all she loves cats...

Jeff: *sighs at Gens plan* Fine I'll dance and wear cat ears and a tail for Lulu sake...*looks at Ben* What about you, Ben??

Ben: *looks at Jeff and then to Gen* Fine I'll do it because Jeff is being nice for ones...

Jeff: I've being way much time with lulu that I'm not my self anymore.... F*CK THIS I'M NOT MYSELF !!!

Gen: *slaps Jeff* Calm down, joker and just put these cat ears and tail you too...

Jeff: *touch his cheek and blush but walks away to put on the cat ears and tail*

Ben: *grabs the cat ears and tail and walks away to change*

Gen: *grabs her phone and find the song and grabs my phone to record* Are you guys done changing ???!!

Jeff and Ben: *comes back wearing cat ears and tail*

Gen: *blush* SO KAWAII!!! *takes a picture*

Jeff and Ben: *blush but glare at Gen* Shut up and lets get this over with....

Gen: *sigh* Okay...*plays Carmel Dancing while record in my phone*

Ben and Jeff: *dance to the song but something happens to Jeff that his human form pops out of nowhere and dance until the song ends* (the video on the beginning)

Gen: *stops recording and look at Jeff and Ben* Still Kawaii !!!

Jeff: *growls and walks away *

Ben: *laughs at Jeff action and take off the ears and tail and walks away*

Gen: *smiles* This is to much KAWAII for me !! *send me the video and walks to the living room where Bloody Twin is *

~~~~~~~ 10 minutes brought you by Nike~~~~~~~

B. Twin: Okay the question for all of us is Who are the couples in the mansion...

Gen: *thinks* Hmm.... I know that Lulu and Jeff are a couple....

Nina: *huff* No, there not...Jeff and Lulu broke up..

Gen: *throw Nina somewhere* Liar...Lulu is not sad about that.... she and Jeff are still dating...

B. Twin: I know that Venom and Ben are a couple....*smiles*

Ben: *looks at Bloody Twin* H-how d-did y-you k-know !!!

Gen: *smiles* We have our ways.....

Slender Man: *looks at Ben* So child, your dating my daughter??

Ben: *looks at Slendy and nods slowly*

Venom: *smiles and hug Ben*

B. Twin: *laughs* And I know that Gen and Liu are dating...*looks at Gen* Is that right??

Gen: *blush crazy* um....Huh COMING LULU !!! *looks at Bloody Twin* Well talk about this later Jillybean.... Lulu needs me... *walks away*

B. Twin: *looks a little mad* Don' t call me that, Gen... *continue counting the couple* theirs like 13 couples here....

Everyone: *looks at each other* To much !!!!

Gen: *smiles* Thanks for the dare and ask !!!

B. Twin: *nods* Thanks and sorry Lulu won't come out she is a little under the weather right now....

Grossman: Please leave a like.....

LJ: A comment...

Lazari: Or vote !!!

Everyone: *waves* Bye !!!! See you next chapter !!!!! >^< 

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