Me: *screetch around the mansion with my phone* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Me: *hyper from drinking a lot of coffee*
Toby: *tears over me* She grow up so fast!!!!!
Masky: *slap him * shud up
Toby: *flick him the bird and put it on his face* F-F*** YOU!!!!
Me: *stops and slurps* MY BABIES!!!! I FINALLY DID A COLLAGE OF THEM!!!
Art: *tackle me* MINE!!! *grab MY phone and hugs it*
Gen: *takes MY phone from her and hiss*
Art: *hiss back*
Lucy: *growls and attacks Gen*
Every girl except the litttle ones, Stacy and the haters of MCR, TOP, and Panic!
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Me: *shank Josh*
Josh: *heals but dramaticly falls and pretend to die*
Me: *takes his money and concert tickets and runs away *
RG: *looks at him* Jake, your brother died again!!!!
Jake: *stop making out with violet* He's faking it!!!
RG: *pokes him*
Josh: *looks at her* is she gone?
RG: um...yeah..
Josh: good *gets up and put his hand in his pocket* Damn it... She took my money and tickets...
RG: HA!!!! *walks Back to Jake and Violet*
Josh: *looks at Josh * lucky....
Me:*listen to Mi Nina Traviesa and sings to it beatiful* (I don't know why but when I sing English songs I sound bad but when I sing Spanish songs.. It sounds beautiful...)
Jeff: *looks at me and smile under his permant smile*
Me: *twirls once or twice still singing and cleaning the kitchen*
-music change into Cantarella When I finish cleaning and I start to dance t0 it*
Jeff: *breaths and walks b3hind me and wrap his arm around my waist*
Me: *tense and looks behind me* J-jeff, what are you doing?!?!
J3ff: just relax.. I just want a dance with you..just like old times..*blush*
Me:um...okay...but no funny things..*wrap my arms around his neck*
Jeff: *wrap his arms around my waist and dance swiftly with me*
Jeff and I: *heartbeat beats fast and blush*
Jeff: *leans to me and lips almost touch*
Me: *notice and pulls away* J-jeff, you have a girlfriend... And i have someone.. *grabs my phone and walks away feel tears falling from my face and IGNORE everyone even Hoodie*
Jeff: *watch Me leave and looks down feeling hurt* I miss you....A lot..*put his hoodie on and walks outside *
Me: *looks down and cries on my bed while hugging my pillow*
Lucy:*walks in and comfort me * Big sister, i'm here!! *hugs Me and poke my ribs*
Me: *smile softly* thanks, chica... *stand up and runs to the restroom and throws up*
Lucy: *runs after me and hold my hair* big sis?! *tied my hair up and runs downstairs* BIG SIS, IS THROWING UP!!!! *runs upstairs with other people*
Hoodie: *rub my back*
Masky: *grabs the medicine and water*
Ej: *grabs the kit*
Dr. Smiley; *grab a shot and thermometer*
Me: *being carried by Hoodie and put on my bed*
Dr. Smiley: *check my temperature* 230°... Lulu, you have a fever... You need to rest
Me: *nods* okay...
Dr. Smiley: now let me put you a shot *holds the shot*
Me: *freak out* N-NO!!!!! *screams*
Dr. Smiley: -_-... Lulu, I didn't put the shot yet..
Me: doesn't matter!!! I hate shotssss!!!!
Hoodie: Babe, calm down... If you behave I'll sleep with you~~
Me: *calms down and hold back scream from the shot*
Me: *sleeps with Hoodie and cuddle with him*
Jeff: *watch us cuddle and glares at hoodie*
Hoodie: *cuddle back while holding me close*
Lucy: *smile softly and whisper* Hello everyone... My big sister is asleep with someone.. So yeah I'm hear to say. Please leave a like!!
Lazari: comment !!!
Sally: and a vote!!
All three of them: *smile and hug each other* And have a goooooood day and see later!!! Bye!!!