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Masky-is-a-BADASS - So Darkus kids which Proxy do you think of as a dad?

Darkus: *calls out* VICTORIA!! THOMAS!!JONATHON!!! TAMARA!! Come here my babies!!

Jon: *appears* Yes mom?

Darkus: *jumps* hya!

Tami: *giggles and claps her hand*

Tori: *carries Tami as she looked at her mom confuse* Mom, what's going on?

Tom: yeah....Are we in trouble? I- we didn't do anything wrong.

Darkus: Kids. Kids. First off, you scare the demon out of me and Second, your not in trouble. Someone asked you guys a question.

All for of them: *looks at the question*oh..

Tami: *giggles* bubu!!

Jon: *clings onto Darkus* Well....I-I...Don't know....*stay quiet*

Tori: *mutters* I don't like non of them. They're not father material.. I honestly don't see them as father figures only as nonexistent creatures that will soon die by their orders of proxies..Mask Men is bossy, Hood man is perverted to you and Toby is..uuhh ticky..

Darkus: So basically you like Toby as your father figure?


Darkus:Okay, tori, mí princesa, I love you but please don't insult them..*whisper* without me here...

Tom: *shrugs* I hate the three of them plus dad. I prefer lizzy as a father figure. She's more manly then them.

Darkus: *laugh* I knew you were going to say that....

Tom: lizzy is the best second parent ever!!

Darkus: *cover his mouth* sshhhh... I don't want your dead relatives coming to haunt me..

Tori: still I thought this was about p-

Tami: *giggles* vvbb!!! *hands out*

Darkus: come here, mi niña princesa!! *carries her*

Tami: *giggles and claps her hands* meme!!

Darkus: *holds her* my little cookie!

Tami: *Cooe* Dada? *laughs and happy screams*

Darkus: who's Dada?

Victoria: *whisper* bet you she picks Hoodie.

Tom: *whisper back* Yeah, right. Masky

Jon: *joins in* She picks both, dum-dum
Tami: *arms reach out* papa!!

Masky: *looks at her* what the-?

Hoodie: *looks at her and take her* She called me papa

Tami: *screams*

Masky: You sure dumba-

Darkus: *just watching Tamara*

Tom, Victoria and Jon: *watch to with a bowl of popcorn and soda*

Toby: H- *stays there just watching the scene*

Hoodie: Listen here you Fatf-

Masky: *growl* No, listen here fuc-

Tami: *scared whine*

Darkus: *mom mode activated* BOYS! *gently grabs her daughter*

Hoodie & Masky: *unreadable expression but scared inside*

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