~~~~~~~~~~~~ Darkus- alright. Toby you gotta make a tik tack video or what stuff..
Toby: *confuse* a what?
Darkus: tik tok video..
Toby: *more confuse*
Darkus: you know...like a music video..
Toby: *more more more confuse*
Darkus: lip sync video
Toby: *more more more more confuse confuse*
Darkus: I'll explain..
-20 minutes later-
Toby: so you make a video and try to act it out...?
Darkus: yep... so you gotta make one..
Toby: okay.. but i-
*phone magically appears*
Toby: *holds it and looks at Darkus* and what else...
Darkus: you just make an account...
Toby: oh okay...
-10 minutes later-
Toby: done! So now what.
Darkus: so your going to make hold the camera and make a video
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(Ignore the ghost child)
Toby: like this?
Darkus: yes.... now go!
Toby: *Does two or three video*
-20 minutes later-
Toby: DONE!!
Darkus: *dies on the ground* okay one more...
Toby: just let me get dress for this one.
Darkus: *confuse* wait...what?
-10 minutes later-
Toby: *appears*
Darkus: *screech* noooo!!!!
Toby: *does the Hit or Miss*
Masky and Hoodie: *walks in*
Darkus: *holds a bottle of tequila*
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Masky: what kind of abomination did this!?!
Hoodie: *petrafied while holding his gun to his head* I think I'm fine dead.
Masky: *holds a cross* Be gone ThOt!
Darkus: *takes the lid off with a flick* time to forget what happens..*drinks the whole thing non-stop*
Toby: *does the dance and the moves* >:3 ~~~~~ Toby: *still in the outfit and does t-poses*
Masky, Hoodie, Darkus: *huddle in the corner* Make it stop!!
Toby: hehe. feel my wrath, b----!
Darkus: *whine and cries*
Hoodie: *holds her as well whines*
Masky: *dead on the ground with tears around him*
Toby: *laughs at them* Be afraid!
Sally: *record this for Toby tik tok video* ~~~~~~~ Well I hope you like!! Please leave a like, comment and vote for it!! Stay positive!! I'll see you in the next chapter, bye!!!!