Chapter 1

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Hey guys I'm doing another book :) well I hope you guys really enjoy


-Greg pov-

I wake up to a pair of hands shaking me furiously,as i open my eyes I see a my best friend poncho practically screaming at me.

"HOLY SHIT DUDE WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! WE OVER SLEPT!!!"he said frantically as he let me go an started to strip out of his pj's and onto his clothe,exposing his body for a few second,forgetting that I was there.

I blush a but at the sight of his pale body as it was full of scars as I then look at the clock that said 7:40
"SHIT!!" I said as I quickly got out of bed also exposing my upper body that was also full of scars and bruises,I was only wearing my tight red boxers as I then ran to the bathroom. I went to the sink and brushed my teeth as quickly as possible as I then spit out the tooth paste and ran back into the room putting on my cream and green colored long sleeved skull t-shirt,some ripped skinny jeans and some ripped up converse.
I quickly picked up my book bag as I saw poncho already heading to the door all dressed and with his bag and I ran behind him.

"If we don't get there in five minutes we are going to have so much trouble with the DP"he said as we both ran frantically towards school,if you can even call it a school.

"I know,I know"I said as I really didn't pay attention how many minute we had till classes started.

We made it to the "school" as we headed towards our class. Since we both have the same classes it really doesn't matter. As we both entered the classroom we saw the professor look at both of us and smile.

"Well good morning,someone woke up late"he said as he chuckled with a smile on his face"if you hadn't entered this class room after five more minutes I would have had to call the DP and no one would like that right"he smiled evilly as he looked at me with a look full of...lust?? Desire??? I really don't know but man does that make me fell way uncomfterble.

We both took our seats and pay attention to the class,we were taking history....oh but not human history that's long gone,this is Angel and demon history,haha yeah it really sucks. To sum it up,the demons tell us that the Angels can't have individual thoughts,they can't think on there own...or better said they can't question there orders.but wasn't that's god plan??? To question things,to make our own story....I guess not.

~~~time skip to the last class~~~

We were in our final and worst class, PE,now your thinking how bad can PE be. Well it wouldn't be that bad if we didn't have to actually practice fighting supernatural things.

It's really fucking scary. They make us fight fucking hell hounds, Which aren't actually dogs.they shift shapes into your worst fears.yeah that got a bit more complex huh...

I looked at poncho as he seemed nervous...well who wouldn't be,you have to face your worst fear day after day...

"Hey it's going to be ok"I looked at him and gave him a bit of a nervous smile.

He smiled slightly and looked at me"haha don't worry I'm fine"he lowers his head again as he sees the other students face there fears.

Then out of the sudden I hear the teacher call my name...FUCK I DON'T WANTTO DO THIS!!!

I sighed as I get up from the bench and head down to the small arena,I see a really attractive man waiting down in front of the small arena.he then hands me a hand gun as his eyes then turn completely black"good luck, your going to need it"he chuckled as i entered the arena slowly.

I raised the hand gun as I hold it with shaking hands,the gate that was in front of me. As the gates opened slowly black smoke came out as it then came out of the gates as the smoke took the figure of a tall shapeless man as it looked down at me.

I looked back at it as I then shudder a bit.bad idea I saw as the figure opened his eyes and gave me a extremely wide smiles as it started shifting shape.

"H-holy...f-fuck"I said as I took a step back.


This is the end of chapter one but if you like it pls comment :)

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