~Part 10: Phil's POV:~

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***3 days later***

I wake up and to my surprise Dan isn't next to me. I could have sworn he fell asleep in my bed last night. I can smell something cooking. Has Dan actually gotten up before me.....AND making food by himself? I get out of bed and put on some soft, fuzzy pants. I walk out of my room and wander into the kitchen, I start to get a stronger scent of pancakes and bacon.

"Good morning beautiful." Dan looks over at me while flipping a pancake. He looks so cheerful.

I rub my eyes. "Well you're up early." I tiredly laugh.

"I'm feeling great this morning!" Dan exclaims with glee. He slides over to me and hugs me. "I love you." He says, smiling before kissing me. "Now let's go eat!" He hurries me out the door bringing both plates.

"Thank you so much Dan." I say sincerely kissing his cheek.

"It's the least I can do, really. I don't know if there's a way I could make up all the times you've made me breakfast or when you've cleaned for me. You've done so much for me." Dan sounds almost sorry in way.

We continue to eat when we hear a knock on the door. "Surely that can't be Tyler?" I look at him.

"Well, he never said when he was coming here. It could be him but I doubt it." He tells me and he gets up to go answer the door.

"Um....should I go get a shirt on?" I laugh hesitantly.

"Yea you can go ahead and get dressed, while I go answer the door." He pecks my lips then leave the room in a hurry. While I finish my  breakfast then leave for my room. 

~Dan's POV:~

I rush down the stairs in a hurry, going to answer the door. I swing the door open, just now realizing I have hobbit hair. It's Tyler in a bright blue button-up in dark denim jeans.

"I haven't done my hair, come in anyways." I laugh

"It's cute." Tyler laughs, messing up my hair more. His laugh is almost contagious.

"I don't think I've told you about something important that's happened to me recently." I say. "Let's sit and talk for a little." I tell him as we walk up the stairs and into the lounge. 

We walk into the lounge and sit down on the sofa. "What did you want to talk about?" Tyler asks me, looking at me like a child waiting for a story to be read. 

"Well, I'm in a relationship with someone." I tell him and he looks at me confused.

"I thought that it was going to be something........more surprising." Tyler laughs. "I mean, everyone knew you would get a girlfriend sooner or later. You're pretty damn attractive." Tyler awkwardly laughs.

"Well  you didn't let me finish......" He looks at me even more confused than before. "I'm not dating a girl." Tyler looks at me, completely surprised.

"What are you waiting for?! Tell me who it is!" Tyler exclaims in excitement.

As if he was listening Phil walks into the room. "Hey babe, how do I look." He looks up, almost regretting what he had just said. Tyler's eyes widen. "I'm guessing he doesn't know yet.." Phil awkwardly says and sits down next to me.

"I knew it!" Tyler laughs. "I always knew you liked guys Dan."

"How? I don't think it's that obvious." I tell him acting defensive. 

"You're acting like No Homo Howell lately and it's obvious you love Phil. Everyone can see it in your eyes." Tyler explains. 

Phil kisses me. "I got to go do my hair." Phil says, "I'm going to get food."

"Bye babe." I smile as he walks out the room.

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