Chapter 7: Human.

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[ D A E M O N ]

I groaned as the morning sun shone across my room. I am most definitely not a morning person. I'm a hunter, who well obviously hunts. But I'm not any normal hunter, I only hunt supernatural beings. They don't deserve an easy way of life whilst the rest of us have to work to get what we want. Humans are powerless. Ugh I hate them words. Humans. And powerless. They shouldn't even be in the same sentence. I don't call my self 'human' it sounds weak. So I call myself hunter, of course not in front of anybody.

However, Master somehow, has power if that's what you want to call it. I have no idea how he became the Master, but he is a brilliant leader. He has this 'power' over people who he can command and they obey without question or hesitation. It's scary when you think about it. But that's how it's always been, ever since I was little.

My mother on the other hand, is the most beautiful woman you'll meet. She can easily seduce humans and supernaturals into a trance and only then to lure them into our home, and be killed. You may think this is mortifying but for everyone it's an everyday natural thing. Of course it hasn't happened lately because of my mother being taken ill, which explains why my fath-UGH-Master is stressed and cranky.

"DAEMON, GET DOWN HERE NOW." Masters voice boomed throughout the house. I groaned, getting out of bed, preparing myself for my morning training. "DAEMON." He shouted again, sure enough to wake up the whole town.

Of course we don't live in any sort of town with this amount of secrecy and weapons where generations ago my family had build a safe town, away from all humans to stop them from finding out the fact from reality. Our town is surrounded with high trees creating a wall ensuring that our town is not to be seen from the ground and air.

"DAEMON IF I HAVE TO CALL YOU ONE MORE TI-" "I'm...*pant**pant*...sir." I panted as I had to run down three flight of stairs grab breakfast and run to the fighting room on the other side of the mansion.
This alone should be my weeks worth of exercise.
"Gods sake boy. I didn't raise my son to be weak human." He emphasised the word human more than the other words as he knew, that I didn't like being called human.

"Now. Let the training begin. Human." Masters voice boomed across the room.
I then saw red and roared, as I fought against ten people all at once. "I am NOT a HUMAN!" I shouted, grunting as I fought.

My Master smirked, clapping as I panted catching my breath. I looked on the floor and saw ten bloody people struggling to get up again.

"So you can fight against ten people all at once but you can't get a simple girl." Master snarled.

No I can't. Why?

Because I'm in love with her.

[ E M M A ]

I was in the kitchen making breakfast until I received a message from James.

Strangerdanger: Hey, I'm sorry for last night.

Me: It's fine. It's a lot to take in. Getting told my old best friend is a Werewolf and that we're somehow mates.

Strangerdanger: Yeah.. Let me make it up to you?

Me: Depends.

Strangerdanger: I'll take you to the beach and get you pancakes?

Me: Hmm, tempting.

It's annoying how he still remembers my favourite thing to do.

James: Oh come on Emma, you can't say no to that.

Me: oh Jamie, I know I can't, so sure.

Jamie: You know I hate being called that 😡

Me: 🤷‍♀️

Jamie: I have to go, Daemons here.

Well that was an interesting conversation. I continued making pancakes and covered them in Nutella, what? You can't say no to pancakes.

I then sat on the edge of the pool dipping my legs in the water, watching them transform into a tail. Pancakes and swimming are literally two of my favourite things. In case you haven't guessed already.

I had a long relaxing day ahead of me, wondering why Daemon is so hooked to being around James 24/7, taking him away from me but only to slowly give him back To me? I don't know what it is but I will get to the bottom of it.


I heard my phone go off and answered.
"Emma?" My mum sobbed, "Mother what happened? Are you okay?"
"It's James" she sobbed again. James?
"What happened?" I asked.
"He was in a car crash, but he's missing." Car crash? I was just texting him a second ago? He said Daemon was now here-Daemon, he must of done something. I don't trust him at all.
"It will be okay mother, I'm sure he'll be fine he's strong, he can look after himself, I'm sure he'll be back soon." I reassured her. My mother continued sobbing down the phone while I was trying to make her feel better but it clearly wasn't working. I ended the call to her and went to my room to change.

I looked through my wardrobe to find any thing suitable to wear for relaxing in. Once I found something I hung it up and turned around. I stood in shock as there was a tall dark figure standing before me, in front of my window. He looked all bloody and scratched, as if he was just in a car crash.



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