Chapter14: Royality

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[ J A M E S ]

Emma had been really distant from me lately, what had I done? With my research I had discovered that Daemon is actually the future heir to the throne for Hunters and vampires, two of the most powerful enemies known to kind. Whether or not if Daemon knows himself that he is currently a prince  I do not know. But if he does, things from bad can get worse.

On the other hand, for Emma she is the heir to the throne, the Queen of the sea. God, she would look gorgeous with her long silky tail.. Long brown hair.. Anyway I don't know if she knows either, perhaps not as her human parents aren't even her real parents, she's adopted. Within reason.

I had done some research to as why the King and Queen had to abandon her, I had discovered that the whole sea was bound to be poisoned by the hunters, and in return the Vampires would give them the gift of immortality. However it didn't go to plan, the Vampires had picked all of the bodies of the mermaids that were killed and drank their blood like a drug, much like it is to werewolves. This made them more stronger, more quicker, more powerful. As they didn't keep their word the hunters slowly killed them one by one, killing the men, women even children, the innocents from the act of revenge.

The vampires hid and they did so for 150 years until the Prince of Vampires and Princess of Hunters accidentally met in the woods during a practice hunt. It was love at first sight.
They continued to keep meeting up for another year or so and grew closer together. Until an accomplice of the Vampire King discovered them together, when the Kings and Queens found out there was no sign of peace. War came.

20 years the war continued, over the love of the Vampire Prince and Hunter Princess. They knew enough was enough, too many innocent lives taken. Durning those years the King and Queen died from war, heartbreak and age.

They decided to gather them all up together to reason with them for one last final time. They had a speech to make, to bring the peace that was lost.
"Vampires and Hunters, this is enough. Stop this ridiculous matter now. Yes it is a huge shock and along came with it the war. But honestly, do we not all fall in love? Must we continue to fight over one small love? Hunters, you always argue how you don't have the same agility as the vampires, as well for the Vampires you complain how you are unable to go out in daylight without getting burned. So to stop all this a new species will be formed. They will be called 'ισχυρός' which means powerful in Greek. They will be the breed of both hunter and vampire." The Princess announced. 
A huge uproar came from the crowd some in agreement and some in disproval.
"As we are now the heirs of the throne, whether you agree or not, we are proud to announce we are to parent the first ισχυρός in 6 months. If you disagree, then leave now." The Prince now King announced. Around 1/3 left attempting to destroy everything in their path.

The new King and Queen just turned to each other and smiled. Many years after that their new empire grew and so did their son. The hunters still got to hunt, but now with vampires, both sides now joined allies helped each other grow stronger each day. Although the son only thought he was a hunter he had kept asking if he was too a vampire, his parents would never answer his question for his safety. Vampires naturally truly form their true self when they're just 10 however he was now 14 as still no change. His parents had began to worry about him, of course they loved and treated him like a son but they also wanted him to be powerful.

Until now, I know for sure that Daemon is the new species and I just know for sure that his just formed, not completely yet but I know he can see in the night and his vision goes red and his senses had heightened. But one question still remains, does he know he is the most powerful being to be? To also be wed to a Mer Princess to father the most powerful supernatural in history.

"James? Are you in here?" Emma croaked as she just awoke from her nap.
"In the library." I answered.
"James, what's going on? I know I seem distant but you've been researching for days on me and Daemon, yes I know only because you fell asleep and I wanted to know how you were. Is it bad? Is there something wrong?"

Emma.. Everything was wrong. Daemon is set out to kill you yet he doesn't know he is to actually to marry you.. But I just smiled and said "nothing, go back to sleep now, I'll be there in a second." I hugged her tightly and released her, worried about what her fate will come.


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