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I understand that now it has been a few days since I last properly spoke to James aside from a few 'can you pass me the ketchup' or 'where's the toilet roll' but other than that we had been really distant.
The reason for this being is because I couldn't face the reality to the fact I was bound to be married to monster, Daemon himself is not a monster, he never chose to become who he Is. However it's the monster inside of him, the hunter and vampire who makes him an immortal killing machine.

I do not want to be in an arranged marriage. I do not want to create a child out of pressure and power. I want to be in love, have a child out of love.

I laid in bed waiting for the pressure to lower beside me in James's presence. No we are not together but James had been screaming in his sleep, clawing the thin air as if there was an intruder. He would scream out the name Rosie or Rose, whoever that is I do not know.

My room was dark, it was hard to see. My eyes had dropped a little each second, I was drifting to sleep. After what seemed like eternity I heard the door creak open and shut, the floorboards creaked as the body put his weight on the ground. I felt the bed dip revealing his presence. I turned over to face him, for a split second I saw Daemon, I was thrown back and gasped trying to catch my breath.
"Look. I never wanted any of this to happen. My Master wants me to bring you to him. I want to prove to him I am strong, I am powerful. I never wanted to be a hunter but I refuse to be a weak human. So please, without me hurting you, please come with me." Daemon whispered with emotion in his eyes.

"EMMA!!" A voice screamed making me wince. "EMMA! SHIT WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The voice screamed again.
I had noticed my eyes were now shut, it feels like I'm floating, I'm struggling to breathe, I take a huge gasp but the air had been replaced by a liquid substance. I open my eyes and I see that I'm in water, James is on the surface he's trying to get to me but something is holding him back. I take a huge breath again trying to get used to the water. My body is not accepting it, I struggle to breathe desperately trying to swim upwards.

I was frantically waving my arms up and down to push myself upwards, I was running out of air. After what seemed like eternity I was finally able to swim to the surface, my arms were aching, my lungs on fire.
As soon as I reached the surface I took the largest inhale I could, I allowed the familiar air to spread within me. For some reason I was unable to breath under water, nor did I have a tail. With my last bit of strength I pushed myself out of the water and onto the concrete.

"Emma." A stern voice called from behind. A deep growl filled the room, "what the hell did you do? What did you tell them?" James spat. Either my brain was still recovering from lack of oxygen or there really is a wolf in front of me looking ready to pounce on me.
He was unable to move as he was chained up with silver, the wolves biggest weakness. Before I knew it he calmed down and transformed back to human. Although the transition looked painful, he showed no sign of remorse.

What did I do?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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