Chapter 6:Mate not Fate.

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[ J A M E S ]
"You're a WHAT?!" I shouted at Emma making her flinch at my words.
"Why did you tell me earlier? So what I saw at the beach wasn't my mind playing tricks on me?"
"No.." Emma said feeling small. Good. Since she didn't tell me her secret.
"But then you didn't tell me you were a werewolf! And I'm glad I didn't tell you because when we weren't friends anymore you told of told someone since that's what you do with everyone's secrets to make yourself look good!"She snapped back.


"Fuck.." I move my hand to my hair and pulled it back in frustration.
"So how can we be mates then, it's forbidden for a mermaid and wolf to be together, there must be a mistake." I stated.
"Clearly because mermaid blood is an addiction to werewolves!" Emma exclaimed.
"My pack won't be happy with this.." I muttered to myself.
"Pack? There's more?" Emma panicked.

Oh god, she wasn't meant to hear that.

"Uh yeah.." I nervously said whilst scratching my neck. "It's okay though, they know how close we used to be, they won't do anything to you." I reassured her.

"But you could." Emma whispers to herself.

What? What does she mean by that?

"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my eyes as I look at her. She looked very out of place and headed for the bathroom. She refused to look at me, her back was facing to me and she sighed.

"I mean..since you're my 'mate' you could do anything and not realise it. How we are bonded I do not know, perhaps it's fate, perhaps it's something else for we do not know. However I don't understand how this didn't happen before when we were younger, when we were close. So why now? Why not before?" Emma explained.

I pushed my hair back with my hand again, I need to stop doing that otherwise I'm sure I'll go bald eventually.

"Uh.. Well.. I knew about the whole werewolf thing since I was born, I thought it was all a big joke. I never knew they were deadly serious about it all until I experienced it myself.." I fumbled about with my fingers unsure of what to do or say.

I heard Emma sigh quietly, perhaps to herself but I heard her.

"You have to go. I need to think about all this." Her voice broke slightly, tears forming in her eyes as she turned the water on for a bath.

And with that I left as she turned away from me. I jumped out of her window into the darkness. The sun was slowly beginning to rise making the sky form red. It can't be sunrise yet.

I ran home with all my might, I climbed up the wall to my bedroom window and landed on my bed laying flat. I sighed to myself as my Rottweiler climbed onto my bed and layed next to me. I started stroking her, mind-linking to her how I met my 'mate' but it isn't to be. She had told me no matter how big our differences are - different supernatural species - fate has brought us together and that it is to be.

I sighed to myself before looking up to my ceiling where I had written how many days I had managed to last without transforming by will.

I then fell into a deep sleep.

[ E M M A ]

This was all too much for me to handle, I can't be his 'mate'.  I don't care if fate brought us together, it's forbidden, there will be war. Well, saying that, I'll be killed as I'm the last of my kind.
"Since when my life was so complicated?" I groaned. Ever since you've been able to transform. My sub-conscience tells me.
I ignored the voice that spoke in my head, and carried on ranting to myself, as I was trying to say, I didn't want to love and be with someone for eternity because our supernatural minds say so, I want to love someone from my heart.

I have nothing against James, he's good looking, amazing personality and such a good friend, I'd happily be with him but there was just a few problems:
1- I don't love him,
2- He's a wolf,
3- He's my Ex-best friend,
4- He's a wolf,
5- Daemon would find out eventually,
6- Did I mention he's a wolf?

I suddenly realised I had forgotten about my bath as soon as I felt water coming over the top of the tub. Great.

I then transformed and fell onto the cold stoney floor, ugh why did I decided to get solid flooring. Because it looks better in your bathroom than a carpet. Did my conscience just sass me? Did I just sass myself? Ugh anyway, I need to clean this mess up.

-- F O L L O W I N G  N I G H T.--
[ U N K N O W N ]

"You better get that blasted girl, boy! If not there will be consequences and you know what happens then!" My master roared at me, why does he always have to be like this, it does my head in. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Yes sir." I bowed down to him, and walked away. "I mean it!" He shouted once again as I slammed the door shut behind me. One Day. I will overrule him, not yet though. I will when he's at his weakest point, when he lowers his guard. I've never seen him do it before but he must have a breaking point, everyone does though right?

I decided to walk around my mansion that I call home and look for my mother. I assumed she was in her room as she is sick, the only reason why fathe- I mean Master needs the girl is so that my mother can have her blood to help her heal, for that she is weak.

I knocked her door and waited for a clearance. "Come in." I heard my mother weakly say. "I brought you a drink mother, Master isn't in the best of moods again." "That damned man. When is he ever not in a mood?" She weakly chuckled.

"Any news of the girl yet?" Mother said with hope in her eyes. I hate to see her like this, she is a leader. Not some weak human, yet that is what she is for the time being.

"Don't tell fathe- ugh, Master but I know who she is, I was close today Mother but I got distracted.." I guiltily admitted. I looked at the floor to my feet, I refuse to look at my mother, scared of what her expression will be from my yet another mistake. I heard her sigh weakly, "Boy.. You need to stop allowing your emotions take over. You're meant to be strong. Not a weak emotional teenager. Man up." She raised her temper trying to sound forceful, but she and I both know it doesn't change anything. "Yes mother." I said sternly.
I bowed to her and turned, walking towards the door.

"And Daemon? Get me that girl." Mother threatened me.
I turned and smirked at her, "anything for you mother." Before shutting the door.


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