Chapter3:Back To School.

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[ S C I E N C E   G I R L ]

Although I'm young I have my own house, I had convinced my parents that I needed my own place, my own space to relax in. I had put in an indoor swimming pool, to keep on top of my daily swimming, everything looks just like the beach- just the way I want it.

I had a sleepless week, worrying about how Daemon is, is he okay? Did he see my tail? Millions of questions flowed through my mind, what will happen during school today? I'll only have to find out for myself.

I dragged myself to school as slow as I could, I was shattered. My car still was in the river and there wasn't any point retrieving it so I've bought myself a new one which should arrive in a few days. My whole body aches from the whole ordeal that happened not so long ago. I had refused to come into school for the past week as I was 'traumatised' and shocked from the accident. Daemon was sent to hospital as soon as he was found on the beach, people say that I ditched him and that I planned the accident all along in attempt to kill him, but no, Daemon has also told everyone that I did no such thing as I was 'also on shore with him'

I walked through the school gate as usual and went to my locker. I had all over my locker 'Get Well Soon' cards stuck to it. Last time I checked, I had no friends and I was a loser geek. Besides no one even knows my name. Perhaps Daemon did this? No, he wouldn't it wouldn't want to ruin his place at the top. Was this a prank? Because this is a cruel joke.

I took all the cards down and put them in a pile and placed them in the back of my locker. "Hey.." A voice called behind my locker door, making me jump causing me to hit my head on the roof of my locker.
"Oh god, sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump." Daemon whispered to me.
"It's okay, I'll live.." I muttered under my breath, in attempt of moving away from him I shut my locker and walked to class, "H-hey, I didn't get a chance to say," he followed grabbing my arm to catch my attention. "Thank-you for saving my life."

"I don't know what you're on about, someone else found you and rushed you to hospital, all I did was crash nearly killing us-accidentally of course.." I rambled. "No you saved me, I swear you did, I saw you I don't know how you managed to save me but you did, and I saw that you had- actually don't worry." Daemon quickly took his words back.

He knows, crap what do I do now? Act normal. God! What if he throws water at me and shows the whole school?

"No.. Tell me what you were going to say," I tempted him to get out what he was going to say.
"Uh, it's okay, I was probably just hallucinating that's all, probably had too much water in my lungs-" "YO! Daemon! Come 'ere!" One of Daemons friends call out for him.

"Sorry I don't know why I'm here. Bye." And with that his attitude changed instantly and walked off.
Right so he thinks it's a hallucination, which is good then I'm not in danger.. Yet.

I then started walking towards my English class it was very long and boring, we had to learn about Romeo and Juliet, we even have a play coming up about it we all have no choice by to take part as it would count towards our final grade. I'll probably end up being a tree like I always do. And Daemon along with his crew would get all the leading roles. When class was eventually over for break everyone rushed outside and I was only to be bumped into Daemon. Just typical. He managed to fall over whereas I was still standing, I noticed he had a bandage wrapped around his leg and he's carrying crutches, was that from the accident?
"Yeah.. Guess you've just noticed my leg hey? I'll be fine, it's just fractured that's all. It doesn't have to be amputated thanks to you." Was that sarcasm? I don't know what was going on, he's meant to be the worst person I've ever met, and I've just accidentally bumped into him and only to be thanked by him for saving his life? Not once but twice now?

What is going on?

"Ookay, I did save you but whatever you think you saw? That isn't true okay? You were just hallucinating I don't magically have a tail or am a fish of some kind. I have to go and get something, excuse me." I didn't know what to say as I was panicking but was trying to not show it as much.

[ D A E M O N ]

So she does have a tail.. I'm convinced because I never mentioned tail or fish to her, and the only explanation would be that she is one, which would then link to why she can't touch water to her strange 'water allergy.'

"Hey.. Before you go, I never caught your name?" I politely asked the girl who saved my life.

"Emma, my name is Emma." Emma replied.

"Emma.. Pretty name, can we meet up later? By the beach? Don't have to but I would like to." I noticed that she hesitated at first with the sign of panic in her eyes.

"Uh-um sure I guess, 6 O'clock?" Emma suggested.

"Sure, 6 O'clock is fine, see you then." I said with a smile, Emma gave me a concerning look before walking away which is understandable.

"Tonight at 6 O'clock.. she'll be a freak and I'll be famous." I lightly chuckle to myself.


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