Chapter8: Swim to Heal.

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[ J A M E S ]

After I had finished texting Emma I picked Daemon up after his training. He told me he trains for his health but I think there's something else going on. I picked him up in the middle of the road by the woods, I don't know why he always wants me to pick and drop him off there all the time, I've never actually been round his house now that I think of it.

"Hey man," I said. "Hey." Daemon grunted. What's up with him? "So uh, since we've been like best mates for a couple of years now, when can I go to yours? I mean it's just that we always go to mine and.. I was wondering, I we can go to yours for once?"

Daemon just stared at me, anger in his eyes, I prepared for what was to come.
"James.. We've talked about this, we can't, my parents always argue and it would be embarrassing if you were there, it's a boring place to be anyway, there's nothing exciting there. Just not right now okay?" He explained, looking shifty at the same time.

Hm. I know for sure that somethings going on. I've never been to his place yet I always pick and drop him off by the woods. Unless he lives in the bloody trees like a monkey? Wouldn't surprise me to be honest.

"SHIT JAMES LOOK OUT!" Daemon shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stared at what was about to be hit, my father in his wolf form. My eyes widen in fear hoping he managed to get away, I slammed my breaks as fast as I could.

Everything happened so fast, as I regained my consciousness, I had agonising pain all over my body but I knew they were to heal quickly due to my ability, with that being said, do I stay here and wait or do I go leaving Daemon in the car with no driver looking as if I purposely tried to kill us both. Damn. That's two car crashes in a month Daemon, you're not a lucky person.

I decided to leave, I wasn't willing to stay behind with no scratches on me whereas Daemon is all bloody and cut open, but still breathing, he'll live. I had blood smeared all over me I couldn't go back to my place. So I decided to go to the person I trusted most. Emma.

I painfully transformed into my wolf, wincing and growling my way to her place, panting due to the unbearable pain that seemed to last forever to heal.

I thought it would be too painful for me to transform back into human again so I risked climbing up the side of the house without anyone looking and climbed into her window, I collapsed on all fours in front of her, transforming slowly, wincing at the same time into a human. She looked at me with a gaping mouth, God. She doesn't know how much I actually love her. Ever since I first laid eyes on her, not because of the whole mate thing I will not let get that in the way of this.

"James.. I just got off the phone to my mother, you, you were in a car crash and you're here? But how?" She rambled on, tears filling in her eyes. Don't cry Emma. "It's-" I groaned, clutching onto my side feeling a large deep cut surely to leave a scar. "-it's complicated." I furrowed my eyebrows, well it wasn't but now is not the time to tell her. I will not put my pack in danger. "Complicated?" She laughed weakly, " it's complicated.." She whispered, " so everything about us transforming, the whole mate thing, you coming into my bedroom window transforming in front of my very eyes, is complicated?" Emma raised her voice a little louder, I groaned again struggling to get up but managed to, still holding onto my side with one hand.

"Is it possible if I can get washed please." I questioned Emma hoping she'll say yes because this would then just get awkward. She walked off and came back after a while placing a towel in my hand whilst saying "here, if it would be any more help.. You can swim in my pool, it will help you heal faster." I saw her fidget with her fingers, scraping the dirt out of the under of her nail with her other finger nail-something she had always done when she feels like she's in an awkward situation. For example, now.

She had helped me climb down a flight of stairs before placing me gently down by the pool. The water was a turquoise blue, shimmering against the white walls. It was a breathtaking sight.

The cuts had started to heal up almost completely, Emma looked at me in such awe. I hissed at the pain that was caused whilst my cuts immediately joined together as one, as if I was never injured.

Emma had also climbed into the pool, her fingers sliding across the marks left behind. "I can't believe you never told me this.." She whispered quietly, implying she was talking to herself. Her two slim legs had now joined together to become a tail, a long turquoise tail in fact. It was beautiful that this existed. I couldn't get my eyes off it, this was not something you come across everyday. "Um, you can stop looking now please." Emma blushed as she moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

God she was beautiful.


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