Chapter 15

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The sky gets darker faster around this time of the year. I enjoyed the constant crunching underneath my feet. There had to be billions of dying leaves out here. Green Mountain Forrest is huge. Getting to Harleys house would be a hike on foot and the only road to it was paved by Benson's rover.

I was waiting on Harley to show me something about, "Faucet" . . . it's supposed to be some style of fighting stance or in his words, 'A simple philosophy.'

Tasting the humid cold air I thought about the difference of life in the city. Instead of savoring dirt, grass and wood, I'd be getting my eighth dose of muffler-exhaust back home. Scary to think you don't notice it until you've smelled earth for breakfast and not the dusty concrete jungle that the city life's known to be.

From the minute I walk out the back door I am enjoying the show.

Anyways, I walk deeper into the Forrest passed countless trees. Eva rose flapping her wings. She looked free, gently floating over the trees. Wow. 'Amazing' I thought... more than once too.

It dawned on me how much I want that. For as long as I can remember I've wanted to fly, "Hey Eva!" I yelled out to her, cupping my hands to aim my voice.

She was still about a hundred yards away from me. She probably didn't hear me, but then I thought, 'I wish I could fly with you,' reacting more to my brainwaves than my faint voice, she came to a sudden stop in the sky, with an enormous flex of her huge wings. Letting gravity grip her stillness looking like a dance routine - she lays out her wings and glides softly towards me.

"You look like an angel!" I say to her after she nails the landing effortlessly . . . leaves bouncing all around her. I was referring more to her wings, than, her pretty face.

"Thanks." Her face lit up a perfect smile, embarrassed enough to appear human. She's so cute, but, I can't tell if she knows it. Maybe that's what I like so much about her . . . doesn't seem busy, yet, she's very much alive.

"You should try it!" an honest suggestion. I could see her faith in unbelievable things, "It's all telekinesis," she says, holding her hands up like a pair of claws. She couldn't help but laugh. I had hopelessness written all over my face. "Who knows," She shows some teeth, "Maybe you could - I mean . . . you walk through walls."

"Yeah!" that is a good point, "No, I could see and hear, through walls." tooting my own horn a bit.

After she unbuckled her wings: the flapping backpack, as if they had a life of their own, float back and set themselves down - looking like they'd just been shot. They land amongst the leaves.

"Crazy, Isn't it . . . looking back at just three days ago?"

"Damn, it's been two days? My grandfather's freaking out by now." I didn't even know how long I was in that basement for. "Hope he's alright." I said, somehow talking in his direction miles away.

She nodded.

"The reason you woke up was that backup generator Harley had to fire up. It woke you up after a while."

"Power outage?"

"Yeah . . . something very weird is happening I sense it through Harley. It happened first in Los Angeles around three in the morning, and then here." She looks me straight in the face "New York's power went out this morning around six a.m." said Eva.

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