Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Benson saw the three helicopters a few miles up ahead, like three tiny dots at first, he doesn't bother switching into Hover. Races straight towards them and the helicopter on his left, came up in altitude, slowing down and surrendering the game-of-chicken.

Benson squeezes thetrigger of the joystick on his left armrest activating the HoverBolt's Fire-Powersetting, the windshield jolts like a computer screen and turns on. TheFirepower-setting tints everything seen through the windshield a dark greencolor. Lime green crosshairs default themselves on its center, which after aslight hesitation obey Benson's grip on the joystick.

The three helicopters now silhouette shapes, after the HoverBolt's Firepower-setting highlights the enemies. This part used to make Benson feel like he was at an arcade when he'd practice shooting out in the woods; or in the isolation of Greenland.

The three black helicopter silhouettes, less than a mile away now improvising a defensive maneuver, when Benson zooms passed the middle helicopter at an accelerating five hundred miles an hour mph coming within inches of their propeller blades.

The helicopter that broke away from the pack fails to hit Benson. Discouraged, the gunner of the helicopter, is left with a lack of balance and shocked at the underestimated speed from the incoming,



As for the helicopter that came too close to Benson,

"OH SHIT! HAWK DOWN!!!" yells the pilot.

Well. With the force of the bypass it was as if Benson tied a rope and tugged it. The helicopter's nose sprung up after fusing with the pressure from the HoverBolt's propeller's blowing six hundred miles per hour winds. The pilot of the middle helicopter loses control looking like they'd been hit by an uppercut. The Black Hawk stopping in its track was suddenly floating midair and at an impossible angle for the pilot to make uplift of it . . . a nerve wrecking free fall, then the tail snaps upon contact with the intersection . . . had they'd been driving a motorcycle, maybe they would of landed into a wheelie, but . . . no-one's getting out of there alive.

The tail snaps and the body starts to roll over, Benson's just made them crash.

"Hell Yea!" he cheers, punching the air, quickly cocking his shoulder back to get a grip on the joystick, "Woooo!"

Making a very wide turn Benson lines up the HoverBolt's lime green cross hairs - after a few seconds of turning the HoverBolt back around - on the Black Hawk that was gunning for him.

His eyes look around the horizon for the third and next helicopter. He spots it wide left. It could have an angle on him but with the HoverBolt on HyperDrive he locks in on the helicopter in front of him. The lime green crosshairs blanket the silhouette of the Black Hawk and glow orange. Benson's about a mile away from the Black Hawk when it fires a rocket towards him, but Benson was flying the HoverBolt too fast. The upper-cutting missile misses and rises to the ozone.

Benson feeling good about his chances doesn't second guess a pull of the trigger by his middle finger, on the joystick. Off they went! A pair of rockets spit out from each sides of the HoverBolt's windshield. Benson then tilts the HoverBolt's nose up immediately after, flooring passed his own rockets. Both missiles trail below him but surely enough accelerate, as Benson accelerates up and away from the enemy helicopter now directly below him.

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