Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Alsepth was a bit irritated though not able to pinpoint why his biggest concern's Harley's absence. He was accompanied by two of the twelve soldiers he's got in the bunkers. He's got a meeting to attend; where he's to address, three hundred students who've probably already taken their seats by now. He's glad Danny's here and in tune with his earth chakra. The three hundred students are here as well, all of them in chatter and anticipating the King who turns heads when he steps into the center of the large room. The seats arranged in a half circle so that all the students face Alsepth.

"Alright, everyone, settle down. Settle down. In your seats, Alsepth's here." the King's nod; taken as he's ready for his announcement by the soldier who yelled to get the students to sit down.

"Well . . ." Alsepth starts, taking a look around. There are eager faces, completely unaware, "How do I break it to you? There's a more important, reason, you are all here. Actually, if you could stay in your seats and pay very close attention. This-," he stops, waits for the room to allow a pin- dropped to be heard, then continues, "You are all, oblivious," for lack of a better word, "As to why you are all here. Truly here," he regrets to inform, but trusts they will bear with it,

A kid interrupts him jokingly saying, "I knew it! CIA training!" he might of been honest to earth excited about that possibility, but only until

"Hey! . . . Sit!" Alsepth hisses and his scream echoes around the arena of building-three . . .

Everyone turns serious. The huge room returns to a muted audience. Everyone's face changed.

After the pause, "None of you will ever see home again. Our lives will never be the same again..." not threatening, but as a matter of factly. Nervously he's got both hands inside his pockets while the impact of his words still lingered.

Head down, delivering his words amidst a paralysis throughout the air of rows of open mouths looking on.

Alsepth continues to elaborate, "Today, the world's population . . . will be rebooted." The room gasps, "All of us sitting here are a part of a plan to help jump start the human population."

"WHAT!" shrieks a girl, standing up then sitting down as quickly as Alsepth approaches her in the second row, "Sit!" he demands, then addresses everyone. Needing to yell to be heard over the accumulating voices, "We are two hours away, from nuclear apocalypse, and right now, the best thing you could do is shut up! And listen!

"Our only planet is in danger of falling dangerously close to solar flares . . . Solar flares, from our sun that could instantaneously wipe out all life on Earth!

"Too dangerous to allow -my life's mission, my inheritance... is preventing such a catastrophic day; prolonging human life . . . Preventing our very own extinction." he adds, in a necessarily high voice, and in winning the battle of volumes again he reminds the room to a silent audience, "By accomplishing my mission today, of moving our planet, three times over, we keep life on this planet for another ten thousand years," Alsepth looked around and finally everyone sat frozen and all ears, "Now. You guys. You have to wrap your minds around this. This. Is. A. Real. Threat. But only by falling deeper into the sun's gravitational pull, will we be getting the worst of it."

"How come, nobody knew about this!?"an interrupting question from a skeptical student,

"My ancestors have passed this secret down through countless generations of our family's bloodline, and, we've held on to this secret for a very long time . . . Over ten thousand years to be frank - passing our secret mission down, entire generations; throughout centuries; of my bloodline . . . And all for this day."

Realizing he's short on time he brushes off the question and continues to elaborate how our planet will be moved through space,

"In order to protect this planet's position in our solar system I will be exploding the northern hemisphere with enough nuclear detonations that survivors will be very few, if any. I'm sure everyone remembers the dinosaurs, the humans were an advanced race back then. But unlike today, as a race, we didn't see it coming till it was too late and almost everything got wiped out by solar flares. Luckily we survived, as did some dinosaurs, but having seen such devastation our ancestors drew up a way to propel our planet through space - moving it, like I said: three earths over.

"This isn't anything new we're dealing with. I doubt it is very difficult to see why this has been kept hidden from the public; so that the masses aren't freaking out and the population can get on with their regular lives. I expect zero hostility from everyone inside these bunkers.

"We've soldiers here ready to protect this mission. Should any of you need anything, I've also got over a hundred staff members on board this mission," he exhales a look at his watch, "While I didn't give any of you much time to decide whether you'd be joining us or not, now is your only chance to back out." he says, jerking his head over his shoulders, to gesture the ocean breeze from outside. Pausing to see if there are any takers . . . Nothing but frozen faces, every one of them staring back at him with complete shock, "I'm sorry it had to be like this." he says. . . "But understand this: I've specifically picked every single one of you for a reason . . . A decision I had to make. . . ." time was up, "Think of this as a fresh start for us to rebuild life; a clean slate. No wars. No boundaries. Borders. Colors. We have, in our hands, the power to change the world," Unfortunately Alsepth wasn't that charming anymore and kids were accumulating their voices and cries . . . Perhaps not purposely but nonetheless against his.

Alsepth started to walk off, then suddenly stops and yells out, "Get everyone in their capsules immediately!" speaking to his staff in military attire. There are no soldiers on board. These people worked for Alsepth in area 51.

The whole place appeared to melt. Blindsided dread flooded the room with tears. Everyone was crying, and if not? Then very close to. There were some students squeezing each other so tight their shirts wrinkled. The sobs were endless and allowed.

Some were even rebelling, very few in comparison though, to those who stood up and obeyed the "soldiers" taking them out row by row and sending them back through the giant double doors they came from and to building two . . . The three hundred students have just been told, they're never to be themselves again, that they'll have to be adapting to a totally new situation . . . All for the human race to survive and prosper?

Thinking, "No one had to get hurt," Alsepth sighs, thankfully. But in the follow-through of his stride back up the ramp to building one realizes only more to be concerned about waited for him back in his room.

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