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The Rose family is the most powerful bloodline in all the generations of witches. They can control and contain more power than any other witch family out there.

Some of the dead spiritual ancestors saw that they had too much power, so they put a curse on them; it changed the family forever.

So starting in the year 1200, once the child has turned 23, he/she will turn to dark magic. The darkness will consume them that at one point they'll never practice good magic ever again. That went for the witches that married into the Rose family too, they would turn to the dark side as well.

Amber Rose is next to turn into the darkness, so that means in 100 days she will turn to dark magic; she doesn't want that though.

Every spell has a loop hole though, and the curse on the Rose family, you do have a way of getting out of it. The person you truly love the most, you have to kill them. Only 3 people have done it in the Rose family lifetime. Amber has no one she loves though, her parents are psychos and she's scared of them.

The days keep creeping up on her so she flees to town, only to meet the original hybrid. She knows there's something different with him and she doesn't like it.

Amber won't let Klaus in, only to save him. But Klaus has other plans for the two.

I'm so excited to begin this story, Klaus is one of my favorites and always will be.

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