6. Hostage

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95 days till the ritual

"Davina?" Amber called out into the cemetery.

"Yeah?" Davina emerges from behind a tomb and smiles once she sees her. "Hey what do you need?"

"How do you know I need something?"

"Because that's what people usually come to me for."

Amber looks at Davina before sighing in defeat, "Okay yes I am here for something but you'll agree with me. I need the golden dagger that you and Kol made."

Davina stiffens as she hears the name Kol, "How do you know I made that with Kol? It was such a long time ago."

"I talked to him, I was powerful enough to talk to him from the dead. I made a deal with him that if he told me Klaus's weakness I would bring him back. He told me not to tell you this but I did."

"Oh my god. Thank you thank you," Davina runs up to Amber and hugs her tightly.

"You're welcome."

Davina runs back somewhere and comes back a couple minutes later with a box in her hand.

"The golden dagger is in here. If you do go after him make sure Elijah isn't around or else he will stop you," Davina warns her.

"Thank you so much, and I will get him back for you. I promise," Amber takes the box and walks away.


As Amber walked into the complex Elijah was walking out of it.

"What's inside the box?" He asks as he already suspects something is up.

"A piece of jewelry I bought while out in the streets," Amber lies.

Elijah looks at Amber cautiously before taking the box out of her hand and opening it. She didn't react as she put a cloaking spell on the dagger and placed a necklace in there.

"That's a beautiful piece Amber," Elijah says while closing the box back up and giving it back to her.

"Thank you."

Elijah heads out and Amber walks to a table and sits down. She wasn't going to take the golden dagger cloaking spell off until she knew she absolutely would use it at the moment. For now, it will just be a necklace.

A large boom jolted Amber from her thinking and it came from the entrance way. Ten, maybe twenty men came rushing in looking right at Amber.

"Get the witch, we can lure her in," One of the men, who looks like their leader says.

Amber spells the dagger into a hidden place in her room before going up to fight them.

"Phesmatos," She chants before a couple men go flying into the walls.

Amber snaps a couple necks before two men come up from behind her and put chains on her; which make witches not allowed to do magic.

"What the hell? Get off of me!" She yells as they drag her out of the complex.

"Just shut up," Someone says before sticking a needle into her.

Amber tried to fight, but she soon fell into a deep sleep.

Minutes, hours, maybe days Amber thought is when she woke up. It was actually 2 hours since she got attacked and now Amber was in a warehouse across the river.

"Finally you're up!" Exclaimed the man who had kidnapped her. "My name is Ethan. I think your hybrid buddy killed my friend Xavier."

"Well I'm sorry for you loss but he tried to kill Hope. And why did you kidnap me? How am I a victim here?"

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