7. Will's Visit

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92 days before the ritual

Amber was drinking a glass of bourbon at Rousseau's when Klaus came into the bar; particularly looking for her.

"Good afternoon love," Klaus smiles as he orders a drink himself. "Isn't your brother Will visiting today?"

"Yep and I'm not in the mood for family business because father probably bargained him to tell me to do the damn ritual," Amber grumbled angrily.

"Oh come on! It's just a mini ritual that gives you greater power. What is so bad about that?"

Obviously Elijah bothered to tell him the whole story about the stupid ritual Amber had to go through.

"It's not like that-" Amber started to say but Will came into the bar with a wide grin on his face.

"I've missed you," He says before hugging the life out of her.

"I've missed you too," Amber says back.

Will lets go and sits on the stool next to her. He looks at Klaus and his heart immediately stops beating.

"You're that bastard hybrid aren't you?" Will asks suddenly gaining a bit of confidence in himself.

"Yes, the bastard hybrid who is about to rip your head off," Klaus says before standing up but Amber stops him.

"Don't get provoked so easily. As scrawny as Will seems he can beat your ass with his powers. Remember, the Rose family is very powerful," Klaus looks at Amber before sitting back down; sighing in defeat. "Come on Will lets go walk around."

They both walk out the door leaving Klaus lonely in the bar.

"Sorry I wanted to get to know you better," Klaus mumbles before downing his drink.


"So did father send you here to tell me to do the ritual. If so what's in it for you?" Amber asks as they walk down the marble streets.

"I wanted to come here. Of course dad said I would need to bring up the ritual because it's a 'family requirement' but I won't bring it up; I want to have quality time with my sister," Will smiles before wrapping his arm around Amber's shoulder.

"Do you feel it?" Amber asks which causes a confused look on Will's face. "I mean, do you feel the darkness seeping through your veins? You won't be this happy and cheery for a long time."

"Yeah I do feel it but I push it back. But the more I do the stronger and it fights me. I don't think I can hold on much longer to the light inside of me, I just wish you wouldn't have to go through this."

"Well I do but a witch named Davina and I are trying to find some way to stop the ritual or make me immune to the darkness. We haven't found anything yet but we're getting close; I can feel it."

Amber and Will continue to talk and walk before the male Rose falls to the ground in pain.

"Oh my god Will!" Amber screams bending down to help him.

His eyes open and they are black, he's possessed.

"You will all fall," The monotone voice says from Will before it goes back to his original self. "Oh my god what the hell just happened?"

"You-you were possessed! I don't know who it was but they gave me a message 'you will all fall,'" Amber hugs Will and his happy that he is okay.

They both decide to go back to the complex to tell Elijah and Klaus.

"Back so soon?" Elijah asks setting down a book he was reading.

"Will got possessed. I don't know by who but hey left a message, 'you will all fall.'"

"Probably Ethan who kidnapped you a couple days ago. I will kill him," Elijah says.

Will's phone rings and he excuses himself from the room.

"Why is everyone after me Elijah? What the hell am I doing to upset everyone?" Amber asks running a hand through her hair.

Elijah sighs before coming up to the witch, "Because you are staying with us, they want family secrets so they can rule this town. They know you're my weakness and maybe even Niklaus's so that's why they take you."

"Why am I your weakness?" Amber asks.

"Because...well," Elijah says not wanting to admit the growing feelings he has for Amber.

"Just say it."

Elijah tucks Amber's hair behind her ear before leaning in a centimeter at a time.

"Elijah," Amber whispers.

"Shh," He says leaning closer.

Will barges back into the room causing Elijah and Amber to split apart.

"Sorry sis but I gotta get back, father needs me for a council meeting," Will kisses Amber's forehead before walking out of the place.

"I need to um, see Marcel for a couple things. I'll be home tonight," Elijah says.

Amber heads upstairs and looks out into the balcony, doing this calms her and lets her mind think. What Elijah just did scared her; he knew she couldn't fall in love and instead kisses her.

"Deep thoughts I suppose?" Klaus asks walking beside her.

"Yeah you could say that."

"What were you saying earlier? There's something about the ritual I'm not getting," Klaus asks.

"I don't really want to talk about," Amber shakes her head looking at the streets.

"Please," Klaus says placing his hand on hers. "Talk to me. We are both messed up, I can see that. You hate your father, I hate mine; even though he is dead. We are alike, I may be a 'bastard hybrid' but I show sympathy to the ones I care about and one of those people happen to be you," Klaus admits.

"Um, I don't know what to say to that," Amber says stunned.

"I'm sorry, bloody hell," Klaus mumbles. "I'll go."

"Wait," Amber says grabbing Klaus's arm. "Prove it to me."

"Prove what?"

"Prove to me you care about me, I could use another person around here that I like."

"Fine, I'll start off with inviting you to be my acquaintance to the Mikaelson ball next week. Someone will probably get killed or get daggered; I mean, what's a Mikaelson ball without a little squabble?" Klaus smirks before walking off.

This family was crazy but, what Amber needed to figure out was what the hell was she going to wear.


I love writing jealous Klaus and soft Klaus. Elijah is also a babe but as you already know Klaus is the main one.

Next chapter: Mikaelson ball, truths are told, and of course a little 'squabble'.


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