4. Bonding With Elijah

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100 days till the ritual

Amber jolted up from her bed screaming in terror and pain. 100 days till the ritual was enough to give her body a glimpse of what life was going to be like after it. The terror of wanting to kill people, the pain after it happens.

Elijah rushed into the room with a worried look on face. At first he thought Klaus was hurting her again but when he saw Amber sitting up on the bed he knew she had a bad dream.

"Are you okay?" He asked walking to her bedside.

"Um, yeah I guess," Amber breathed wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Would you be comfortable telling me? Sometimes that's the best thing to help you stop having these nightmares."

As much as Amber wanted to tell Elijah every little detail about what was about to happen to her; she couldn't. Even though Elijah would never be a love interest she still cares for him deeply as he took her in. He was a best friend to her.

"I can't."

"Why not?" Elijah asked.

"Because I can't, I won't. It'll ruin everything and I won't be able to do anything about it," Amber gets out of the bed and heads to the bathroom.

"Now excuse me but I have to get ready."

"For what?" Elijah asks.

"We're going to the street fair; some bonding time for us," Amber smiles before closing the door behind her.


Elijah and Amber walked through the streets with people coming up to them, asking if they wanted to but their poorly made products. One stand stopped Amber and Elijah and insisted for them to sit down.

"What are you doing?" Amber asked as the old lady sat across from them.

"I'm going to predict your future honey," She took hold of the witch's hand and closed her eyes.

"You're Amber Mary Rose...the Rose is a powerful witch bloodline," Elijah and Amber looked at each other in confusion. "You're father is Vincent Rose; a cruel man indeed. You have a curse on your family."

"Okay I thought you were telling my future?" Amber asks.

"I am, but I needed to get a good feel for who you are. Now I'm ready to see into your future," The old lady closes her eyes again and concentrates.

"I see...it's black. I see black. Darkness? No, love. You will fall in love but it will be dangerous," Amber pulls her hand away and runs towards the river to get away.

'I can't fall in love, she's just an old lady who doesn't know what she's talking about. What the hell is wrong with her? I will never fall in love again.' Amber thinks to herself.

"Amber wait!" Elijah calls from behind her.

She keeps walking so he blurs right in front of her and he notices she's crying.

"What's wrong? There is nothing bad about falling in love, it's a beautiful thing and-"

"No no no!" Amber yells. "You don't understand."

"Then tell me Amber, because I don't know what you're keeping from me. All I know is your family has a curse on them. I don't know what the hell the curse is and I want to help you as much as I possible can; I gave you my word."

The witch sighs and looks up at Elijah, "I'll tell you everything but first, I need a drink."

Elijah and Amber head to Rousseau's and sit in a booth in the corner.

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