13. See You Soon

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10 days till the ritual

Turned out her father used a doll to hurt Amber. Davina used a locator spell to find the source of it; turns out it was at her family's place. The witch waked up a week later in Klaus's bed. She was dressed in an elegant gown and her wound was healed up by her father. He sent it as a warning to remind Amber her time was coming.

During the week that Klaus waited for Amber to wake up, he felt lonely. She was his light and without her his path in life was dark. Elijah however continued to have affections for Amber, he tried so hard to get over them but he couldn't. Even spending time with Hayley wouldn't help him.

"How could he do that?" Amber asked in disbelief.

"I don't know. Maybe it was to send a warning about the ritual?" Davina suggests.

"All I know is that I hate him," Amber mumbles sitting up.

Klaus ran into the room and saw Amber awake. He rushed to her side in a split second and hugged her like he was going to lose her again.

"I was so worried, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little dizzy," Amber gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom.

"Maybe I should keep guard while you're showering," Klaus suggests standing up.

"She can shower herself Klaus," Davina says.

"Fine," Klaus mumbles sitting on the bed.

Amber takes off her clothes and goes into the shower, the cold water running on her pale skin. The witch couldn't believe her father would do something like this, did Will do anything to try and stop it.

"Amber? Amber can you hear me?" A voice in her head whispered.

Amber looked around the wide shower but saw no one there.

"Amber it's Will, can you hear me?"

"Yeah - yeah I can. How are you doing this?" Amber whispered so Klaus wouldn't hear.

"Listen, I'm so sorry about what dad did. I tried to stop him but he locked me out of the room. I don't have much time to explain, but he wants you to come back by tomorrow morning to prepare for the ritual."

"But it's in ten days! I can't leave Klaus or Davina. Even Elijah!" Amber runs her hand through her damp hair.

"There's nothing I can do Amber. Just pack your things and be ready for me to pick you up at midnight," Will's voice fades away.

Amber finishes washing herself and heads back outside with a robe around her. Klaus stands up from the bed and hands her a new set of fresh clothes.

"I heard mumbling in the shower. I wasn't eavesdropping, I just heard it. Is anything wrong my love?"

"Will's coming to pick me up tonight," Amber whispers.

"No..." Klaus trails off. "There's ten days - you still have more time!"

"I know me too but my father-"

"I'll kill him! I'll kill all of them!" Klaus yells throwing a shelf across the room.

"You are not killing my family Klaus! Even though they're bastards I still love them. And I'll be emotionless like them soon so why bother?"

"Because I love you Amber! You make me want to be good. Not in a lifetime has someone made me feel that way," Klaus envelopes Amber into a hug. "Please don't leave me."

"I have to Klaus. Just think of this as a see you soon, not a goodbye," Amber grabs her clothes and changes.

Amber then gets out all of her suitcases and bags. She then begins to pack.

"No," Klaus comes over and throws the clothes already folded on the floor.

"Klaus don't make me do this," Amber says using her magic to pin him against the wall.

"Amber let me go!"

"I have to pack."

After Amber is all done packing she releases Klaus from her spell. The clock reads 7:00 a.m.

"We still have five hours together," Amber says placing her bags next to the door.

"Then lets make the most of it."

And soon they end up in bed.

Amber was laying in bed with Klaus, both clothed and waiting for the time they had together to expire. 11:45 read the clock and Will just texted he was almost there.

Amber looks up at Klaus, "I should wait out there."

Klaus groans and helps Amber carry her bags down stairs. Elijah, Hayley, and Davina are standing outside.

"I'm going to miss you," Davina says hugging her, Hayley joins in on the hug.

"Thank you for keeping Hope safe," Hayley says.

"You're welcome."

Amber looks over at Elijah. He runs over to her and hugs her.

"I'll miss you so much," Elijah whispers into her shoulder.

"Me too Elijah," She whispers. "I left a note for Klaus. Just tell him he'll know where to find it."

Amber gave Elijah a kiss on the cheek before she made her way over to Klaus. He pulled her into a kiss.

"Amber lets go!" Will shouts from the car as he pulls up.

"I love you," She whispers before parting from him.

Amber couldn't stand to look at Klaus again as she placed her bags in the trunk. She climbed into the car and drove away; not looking back.

One or two more chapters. I'm starting to rethink the sequel...should I make one?


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