8. Amber's First Mikaelson Ball

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85 days till the ritual

Delivery people and caterers hustled through the courtyard in the Mikaelson complex early in the morning.

"Finally decided to wake up," Klaus says as Amber ascended from the stairs.

"All the ruckus woke me up," Amber mumbles rubbing her temples.

"So sorry love but tonight we're having a ball and you are invited so go out and get something pretty."

"I never agreed to go to this ball Klaus," The witch says crossing her arms.

"I thought we were getting along now! Please, come to the ball." Klaus's face wins over Amber and she goes upstairs to retrieve her purse.

The stores Amber has went to nothing has pleased her; the dresses were either too puffy or too tight. Amber threw her purse onto the ground as she entered the complex and groaned in frustration.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asks picking up her purse.

"No! I can't find a damn dress at any stores!" Amber yells walking upstairs.

"Well, I may have a solution."

Elijah catches up to Amber and guides her to Rebekah's old room. He opens her closet and in there are tons of dresses.

"This one was worn by a model a couple years ago that Rebekah stole from; it'll look even more pretty on you," Elijah says taking a red dress off the rack.

Amber blushes at Elijah's comment and takes the dress, "Thank you Elijah, this means so much."

"How many days?" Elijah asks changing the subject.

"What do you-oh," Amber realizes he means how many days till the ritual. "85."

Elijah's eyes drop to the ground and they stand in a moment of silence for awhile.

"I'll find a way. I'll find a way to stop it."

"I can go through it," Amber says placing her hand on his shoulder. "Now, I have a ball to get ready for. Save me a dance."


Amber went to a salon to get her hair and nails done. Her nails were painted a white and her hair was pinned up into a bun with a few strands hanging beside her face.

Many people dressed up were at the party once Amber arrived. Klaus was the first to notice her, and she looked gorgeous. He ascends down from the stairs and walks up to Amber.

"You look absolutely ravishing tonight."

"Klaus Mikaelson in a suit? I thought that was Elijah's job in this family," Amber says earning a chuckle from Klaus.

"It is, but tonight I must look neat. Plus, I wanted to impress you."

"You actually did a good-Elijah!" Elijah walks up to the two and gives Amber a kiss on the cheek.

Klaus rolls his eyes at Elijah trying to be all flirtatious but he covers it up quickly.

"Would you like to dance?" Klaus asks before Elijah could.

"Of course," Amber looks at Elijah and mouths 'later' as she remembers the promise she made.

Klaus guides Amber to the dance floor and they sway to the music.

"Wow, never thought I would be dancing with the devil," Amber says, mostly kidding about it.

"Ah come on love, I've gotten a bit better."

"You never really explained throughly why you came here," Klaus continues.

Amber freezes and looks at Klaus; she doesn't want to tell him, Amber doesn't know why but she just can't.

"I need some air."

Amber takes Klaus's hands off of her and walks by Elijah who looks at her leave. Elijah is about to go after her but Klaus stops him and he goes instead.

"Amber!" Klaus calls as she walks down the street and stops.

"Please don't ask me that question again. I-I can't answer you right now.

Klaus nods his head understandingly and walks closer to Amber.

"When I first came here you were awful to me, why all of a sudden you're running after me when I won't answer a question?"

Klaus sighs, "Is it not that obvious?" Amber shakes her head. "I fancy you."

The witch who doesn't want to fall in love is facing something she never wanted to. Yes, Klaus intrigued her from his looks and accent but over time from their late night conversations on the balcony she felt herself sorta...being drawn to him. Of course she put it into the back of her mind, not wanting to be with him and then tell him she would not love him in a matter of days.

"Why?" Amber asked which she knew was the most stupidest thing to say.

"You're stunning, you make me want to know more about you, bloody hell you make me feel alive."

"Klaus I really don't know-"

"Please, don't say anything. I'll give you time, but watch out for Elijah because he wants you," Klaus goes closer to Amber and whispers into her ear. "But I want you more."


The rest of the ball was uneventful, her and Klaus would share a couple of lustful glances but Amber quickly looked away. Elijah and her danced but she made herself a bit distant from him, knowing one of the only friends she had was falling in love with her.

After the ball was over and Amber was a little tipsy she maneuvered herself upstairs but into Klaus's room. His room was huge with paintings everywhere.

"What are you doing in here?" Klaus asks rather forcefully; even though he doesn't care for her he doesn't like anyone in his room.

"I don't know why are you in here?" Amber asks and Klaus knew that she was drunk.

"Well love lets get you back to your room," Klaus walks over to Amber who is walking towards a covered up painting. "No don't touch-"

Amber pulls off the sheet and gasps. The painting is of her, she is in the streets.

"This is beautiful," Amber says not seeming so drunk anymore.

"I painted it while you were practicing your magic down in the streets outside of my window. You looked beautiful."

Klaus walks up to Amber and caresses her cheek.

"I heard you had feelings for that Cami girl through, is that true?"

"Yes but, that was long ago. She's not my concern anymore."

"When will you kiss me?" Amber asks.

"When you admit your feelings for the devil," Klaus smirks before leading Amber out of his room and and closing the door.


I'm so in love with Klaus and Amber it's not even funny. Please remember to vote and comment!

Next chapter: Amber questions her feelings for Klaus, Amber confronts Elijah, and Ethan returns.

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