16. Secret Rendevous

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Two weeks after the ritual

A wreck. That's what Klaus Mikaelson was for the past two weeks since Amber's death. He threw everything on the floor and wanted to kill every couple he saw on the streets. He wanted to be happy, why couldn't he be happy for once in his life?

"Niklaus please say something," His older brother pleaded.

The hybrid just took another sip of his drink, not answering Elijah. Elijah then threw the drink to the ground to get Klaus' attention.

"What do you want Elijah!" He yelled. "She's gone! She's gone, the girl who I loved is dead you bastard. I tried to hate her in the beginning because I know when I get attached to someone they end up getting hurt. I decided 'you know what, maybe I should let this girl in and give it a try'. So I did and I fell utterly in love with her. Now she's dead!"

Elijah wanted to rant about how much he loved Amber too, but he couldn't. Klaus would definitely hate him forever.

"Brother. This was not your fault; the Rose family has been doing this for centuries. Amber wanted to be free from the misery of the dark side of her powers."

"I could've helped her," Klaus whispered to himself mainly.

Elijah placed a hand on his shoulder, "Stay here for today Niklaus. Do not go out, you need rest."

The brunette Mikaelson walked out of the room and into his room. Something caught his eye, a folded paper. He went to the dresser and opened it:

Midnight at the docks, just you and Davina

Elijah couldn't believe his own eyes, this could be Amber.

It took everything in Elijah not to go and tell Klaus about the letter. Maybe Amber had an important reason to not tell him yet. Elijah burnt the letter and got Davina; they were now at the docks waiting for Amber. Or maybe it could be someone else, they had no idea.

"What if it's just Vincent wanting to get revenge?" Davina asked.

"He doesn't stand a chance against me," Elijah said. "I'll kill him in a heartbeat."

"The killing part won't be necessary."

A figure came into their view and they both gasped.

"Though I was dead wasn't I?" Davina was the first to run to Amber Rose and give her the biggest hug known to man.

"Oh my god! What the – how?"

"Long story, but I've got time," Amber retreated from Davina's embrace and hugged Elijah. "Aw Elijah you're crying."

He chuckled, "You're here, that's why."

"Okay. Now tell us how the hell you're still alive!" Davina said.

"I found a spell that could make myself heal, it's hard to explain. I cast it on some herbs, put it into my tea and drank it that morning. It guaranteed 24 hours of healing for me, so it healed me when I stabbed myself. There was a consequence for casting that spell though; I forgot what it was."

"We need to get you back to the house, Niklaus will be thrilled," Elijah latched his hand on Amber's arm but she didn't move. "What?"

"Who the hell is Niklaus?"

The End.

That's the end of Death Do Us Part! There will be a sequel, but I don't know the name for it yet.

What do you think will happen with Amber once she sees Klaus?

Could Elijah be stubborn and take this chance to make Amber fall for him?


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