1. No Place Like Home

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Amber Rose crossed out another day on her calendar, just 105 more days Amber thought as she knew on January 15 she'd have to transfer over to the dark side of her coven. There was no way out, she was stuck.

"Amber time for dinner," Her father said through the creaked door.

"I'll be out in a minute," Amber said focusing on a spell that could potentially keep her a good witch instead of a bad one.

Her father sensed something was up so he went inside to see Amber holding a bracelet, candles lit, and her mumbling a spell that he recognized.

"Amber Rose what the hell are you doing?" He roared ripping the bracelet out of her hand.

"I-I don't want this," She said referring to the huge event in 105 days exactly.

"It is a family tradition and you will do the ritual. I will not let my daughter embarrass me in front of the coven."

Her father was on the council of their coven and he was next in line to become leader. When Amber was 16 she fell in love with the leader's son; Brady. One summer night Vincent (her father) caught the two almost naked. It was the most horrific thing he has ever seen in his life. Vincent accused Brady of rape and his father had no choice but to punish his son; a thousand years asleep. Since that day Amber never had as good as a connection with her father anymore. Her mother was just as evil as he was, she would hit her and tell her to do their chores.

As you get older, the more the darkness consumes you. And that's exactly what happened to Amber's parents.

"Now, come to dinner," Vincent whispers, controlling his anger.

Amber obliges and walks downstairs to the dining room. The Rose family is unimaginably rich. The huge mansion took up most of the 100 acres of their land. New Orleans wasn't their first choice to stay but that's where the coven had decided to make a home as down the river the French Quarter witches were there; and they were also their allies.

The table stretches far across the room and there's 6 chairs set up. The head sits her father, the other her mother. The two on the right sit Amber and her older brother by one year Will. The two seats on the lest sit the two oldest sisters; Vanessa and Darcy.

"Tonight we are having pot roast," Their mother, Leila, exclaims.

Maids bring out the food served on platters and set them in front of each of the Rose family members.

"Thank you," Amber mumbles, being the only one to say it.

Will being a year into the darkness has a more humanity left in him than his sisters. He understand Amber and the struggles of the upcoming events, but at the end of the day he seeps into the dark side even more.

"Amber have you picked out your ceremony dress?" Leila asks her youngest daughter.

"I'm not doing the ritual," Amber states bluntly swirling the pees around on her plate.

Vincent slams his hand on the table and Amber jolts up.

"You will not speak like that to your mother! And what did we talk about in your room? You are doing the ceremony whether you like it or not. I'll drag you to the cemetery if I have to."

Will looks at his younger sister as she nods and continues to eat. He places his hand on hers under the table. She looks at him and he gives her a small grin; reassuring her it's okay.

After dinner Amber collects all the dishes and brings it into the kitchen.

"Sweetie I got this," The head maid, Allison, tells Amber.

All the maids are sweet and caring to Amber, they know what she's going through and they act like a second family to her. Especially Allison.

"Thank you so much," Amber hands the dishes over to Allison and heads back upstairs.

As Amber heads into her room her father is looking at her diary.

"What are you doing?" Amber asks as her father looks up with outrageous eyes.

"You hate your family and your coven don't you? It's all in this stupid little book of yours!" Vincent yells and uses his magic to set the book on fire.

"No!" Amber screams as he tosses it into the fire.

"Please just get out of this house. You are a disgrace to this family. Leave for your duration and come back the day before your ritual to get ready. You'll prepare with a powerful witch in town called Davina Claire. I don't know where you'll stay but you'll find somewhere. Pack your things and head down the river tonight," The thing Vincent said surprised Amber but deep inside she was very eager to get out of the house.

Amber packed two suitcases full of clothes and a purse with all her necessities. The whole family was downstairs to tell her farewell.

"We'll see you soon," Vanessa and Darcy hug Amber and she moves on to her mother.

"You will not be missed," Leila says to her daughter which causes her mouth to form an 'o'.

Will embraces her into a tight hug and whispers, "Find a way."

Amber nods and goes to face her father.

"Be back before sundown the day before January 15th. If you do not return I will have to use a locator spell and drag you here; do you understand Amber?" She nods her head and Vincent opens the door.

Amber heads out the door and goes into the cab to take her into town.

"Well I guess a new life is starting for me, sort of," She mumbles to herself as the car drives down the road where she'll meet him.

Yayayay first chapter up! Her family is really isn't good to her because of that curse and how they're controlled by the darkness. Since Will is 22 and he just went through the transition he isn't as horrible as his sisters and parents; just wanted to clear that up if there was any confusion.

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