Day 5: Lackadaisical

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Gonna just said that's my favorite word currently.



lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

"a lackadaisical defense left the Spurs adrift in the second half"

synonyms:lethargic, apathetic, listless, sluggish,spiritless, passionless
- thanks Google

Okay just say the word
Out loud
There ya go
It's got such a nice ring.
Anyway, the message I'm preaching today. Lackadaisical. Honeslty I'm the queen of being lackadaisical. I procrastinate and over sleep, lay in bed more than I should, pretend my responsibilitys aren't important until they're imperative. It's quite unhealthy at times. But here's the thing, you gotta do what you gotta do. Even when the world is pulling you and pushing you into endless struggle, you gotta take care of yourself. Do your laundry, brush your teeth, wash your face, shower, wear proper clothes from time to time. Eat! Please have at least a decent meal. Take care of school work, projects, essays, etc. So after its all said and done, you can be comfortably lackadaisical without the pending fear of what you still have to do.

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