Judge people.
Sounds horrible but let me explain.
Judge: to infer, think, or hold as an opinion.
Every person you meet with strike you in some way. And you will knowingly and unknowingly judge them.Assess the person fully. I'm not talking pick out every flaw or every perfection. I'm talking about getting gritty.
Hand sift through their smile, the words that leave their lips and the words painted in their eyes. Judge them.
Are they lying?
Are they trying to persuade you?
What words are they speaking?
How do they move?
Fast uncoordinated actions?
Or slow calculated actions?
Do they flinch easy or are they oblivious to signs of threat?
Are they clean cut or messy?I don't want you not to form opinions about people. It's those opinions that can save you a lot of trouble.
You cannot 100% change a person.
The boy of your dreams is beautiful, kind, and just so thoughtful. But when he gets angry, he fumes for days. His words ring you out, leaving you distressed.
But you can fix that right? Once he comes to see how much he loves you?
Before you even think about continuing this, judge him.Who is he really?
That girl who strikes up a conversation in the morning while your drinking your coffee. Yeah she's complimenting your hand bag, and outfit. She's saying how nice you are. But her eyes are darting to your wallet sitting on the table.
Judge her. Gauge her actions & reactions.The world is not filled with all innocent people, as much as we wish it were.