It’s been 3 months and honestly, after a month of smooth sailing on the sea that is college, boom! The real work and stress kicked in and being someone who really pays attention to her studies, I keep working my ass off. What? I want a decent job 4 years from now.
Nothing that interesting happened within those 3 months, except maybe that I’m good friends with Kelvic again, we worked together and I tutored him in precalc and whenever stress is getting the best of me, I usually text Alan to come by my dorm and have at least 2 bottles with me. That’s the thing about Alan, he may seem really mean but once you get to know the real him, you’d want him to stay in your life.
Every month, on the 16th, I would go out to dinner with Finn. He’s the best boyfriend ever! Not that I know what a bad boyfriend is, right? But he just treats me so good. He knows what space is, we make all these cute gifs together, the make-out sessions are amazing, he’s loyal to me and above everything else, he trusts me. Study sessions with Kelvic and late nights with Alan, most guys would go ballistic, and then there’s my Finn. Sure he gets jealous sometimes, but we make-up and make-out afterwards and he doesn’t change the way he’s treating me.
I spent my Christmas with my mum and Seth back home. Dad dropped by with 2 of my 4 step siblings. Yeap, they adopted. Ashton and Ashley, a boy and a girl, triplets, the other one was at home. I don’t really feel like being warm to them, but I have to be. Sigh.
It’s back to school for me and the first thing I looked for the moment I got back on campus was Finn. I went to his dorm and knocked. “Hey, baby! I miss you!” I said as he opened the door. He carried me and kissed me and put me down on the sofa. “Me too. And merry Christmas, happy new year, baby.” He whispered.
“Baby, you know Erin, right?” Erin? Oh yeah, that bitch from IPB. “Yeah, why?”
“Well, she kind of asked me to tutor her on graphic designing, I mean, if that’s okay with you, dear.”
“Of course! You trust me, I trust you, right?” I said as I planted another kiss on his lips.
“You’re the best!”
“I know! Now come back here and make out with me some more!” I said pulling him back in.