Chapter 22

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"So??" Sam stood up, crossed her arms and arched her brows as soon as Jacky entered the room.

"What?" Jacky shrugged and walked toward her bed. She fell on her back, too tired to do anything more.

"Who was he?" Sam sat on the edge of Jacky's bed just where Jacky's legs were hanging out of the bed.

Jacky thought for a while what to answer, to avoid being asked any further details she quickly spoke up "My friend."

"Sure." Sam smirked and stretched her arms. A small yawn escaped her lips. She got up and motioned toward her bed "I'm off to sleep." She rubbed her eyes.

"Night Sammy." Jacky softly said.

"Night Jacky." Sam replied back and fell asleep as doin as she closed her eyes. But in Jacky's eyes sleep was far off somewhere in the land of lost. She got up from bed, making her mind to change her clothes. Quickly she took out her long tee from her wardrobe. Jacky stripped off her top and jeans and slipped into her long tee,not bothering to wear any shorts or pyjamas below as her tee already covered her ass and fell over her thighs. She made her way to the bed and layed down.

She kept tossing in her bed but her eyes were devoid of sleep and she blamed her thoughts for it. Today had been a very very long day for her. But it wasn't over yet. The night was still young and so much more was waiting for her.

A soft knock on her window startled her. For a second she thought she was just mistaken and perhaps it was just a blow of wind but second time she heard it, she was sure it wasn't just a blow of wind but someone was knocking on her window. She slowly walked up to the window and lifted it. A cool swirl of wind hit her face. Her hairs scattered and her cheeks gained a pink tinge due to the coldness. The warmth of the room was swallowed by the cold wind rushing inside the room through the opened window. She kept looking around but there was no one who supposedly knocked her window.

"Probably the wind." She tried to convince herself. Just when her hands were holding the edge of the window to shut it down, a hand reached out for her wrist and gripped it tightly. She was about to scream loudly but the other hand of the person went to cover her mouth and muffled her scream. A dark figure rose in her window and her eyes met the velvetty honey dipped eyes. She immediately recognised that pair of eyes. He pushed her back from the window and pulled his body inside through the window, his one hand still covering her mouth and the other moved from her waist to the edge of window. When he entered the room, he let go of Jacky.

"What the hell Zayn?" She said in a low but a stern tone. She didn't want to wake Sammy up. Though by the noise of the window anyone would've been up by now but not Sammy. She was always a sound sleeper and even now she was dead-asleep, unaware of the presence of a third person in their room.

Zayn didn't answer her question, instead he straightway plopped on her bed. He eyed her from top to bottom. A smirk tugged on his lips when he noticed what she was clad in. "You look sexy, you know." His voice was so husky and deep that for a moment Jacky was lost, swimming in the depth of his voice.

"What are you doing here Zayn?" She hissed again, but her voice came out more like a whisper.

Zayn didn't answer but pulled her on tbe bed by her hand. She fell on the bed but managed to sit. Her tee rose up revealing her thighs and her panty. Zayn licked his lips and stared at the view for quite a long time. His mouth was partly opened and his eyes flickering with lust. She noticed the look in his eyes and pulled her tee down.

"There's nothing that I haven't seen." His tongue swiped over his lower lip. His words reminded Jacky of the moment they shared in his car. Reminiscing it, a crimson colour covered her cheeks. She cleared her throat and spoke again but in a weak voice "Why are you here Zayn?"

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