Chapter Eight Part 2

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The door was opened by a tall Asian girl wearing nothing but a pair of minuscule yellow and black striped shorts, a lemon coloured lace corset with dark ribbon edging and a pair of fuzzy deely-boppers on her head. Judging by the 16th birthday badge she had pinned on her 'top', I assumed she was Kia's cousin Yasmin.

"Come in, come in!" She said in a fake posh accent, waving a half full can of beer that she was holding. She then grabbed my hand and drunkenly proceeded to drag me into the living room.

But the second she let go of my hand, she stumbled off into the kitchen and left me standing uncomfortably to face the party on my own. The music playing was so loud it felt like my ears were about to explode, although no one else seemed to mind. They were all probably too intoxicated to register its volume.

I was the only one standing sober in a house full of wasted teenagers grinding against each other. I didn't recognise a single face in that room, there was no sign of Zayn anywhere. Maybe I should just leave. No one would remember that I was ever there; Yasmin was way too off her face to be able to recall my face. It was a stupid idea anyway; sneaking out of my house and entering a place where I didn't belong. I span around and started to make my way out the party, when I walked straight into Zayn's friend Tyler.

"Ash?" He exclaimed surprised. "Hey... I didn't know you were coming! You look nice." His eyes raked me up and down, admiring the tightness of my dress. "Scratch that, you look hot. Can I get you a Coke?"

"Um, yeah!" I shouted over the music. As Tyler walked off to the drinks table, I gave myself a mental high-five. If Tyler and a bunch of thirteen year olds thought I looked hot, there was a big chance Zayn would too.

"Here you go!" Tyler said, handing me a plastic cup.

"Thanks!" I took a casual sip of the refreshment and spat it out horrified. "This isn't Coke!" I exclaimed. "Well, it kinda is but... Did you spike my drink?"

Tyler looked shocked and confused. "It's Coke and Jack Daniels," he said simply. "Um, sorry, I thought I told you that."

"You didn't!" I insisted angrily. As I looked down into the fizzing liquid furiously I began to think. Maybe... Maybe I could have a small taste of the drink. Tyler did go through the trouble of getting it for me...

"Um, forget it." I said quietly. "It's okay, don't worry."

"What?" Tyler shouted. "I can't hear you, speak up!"

"Never mind!" I yelled and I started sipping on my beverage.

Tyler looked even more confused as he nodded slowly. "I'm just gonna go then..."

I gave him the thumbs up and finished the rest of my drink. It was kinda nice, but weird though. I made me feel warm inside... Maybe I could just try another...

I strolled over to the drinks table and began to mix myself a concoction of Jack Daniels and Coke. How much of each did I put in a cup? Half and half? Maybe I could try a ratio of 2:4... That way I had twice as much Coke as I did Jack Daniels. I tried it and winced as the alcohol ran down my throat. I was starting to enjoy it a little more; I wasn't tipsy but just feeling a little looser. If only Zayn was here...

"Ash, babe!" A voice yelled. I turned around to see Zayn jogging towards me, dressed in a pair of beige three-quartered cargo pants... And no top. My eyes widened. I had been right to think that he worked out; his defined six pack and muscled arms were not something that could not be denied.

"Vas happening?" Zayn called out to me as he wrapped me in a sloppy hug. He was drunk, I could tell. His hands were a little lower on my waist than they usually were, and when we pulled apart I could see his eyes lingering on the low-cut neckline of my dress.

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