Chapter Twenty Eight Part 2

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I whipped around and viewed a mob of several girls tightly cornering me, Becca and Hayley positioned towards the centre. So I guess they were talking again, I thought. That could only mean one thing...

They knew too. Fuck.

Hayley delivered an unexpected sharp slap to my cheek, her blue eyes glittering with cruel mirth. Without giving me a moment to react, on silent command Gia and Madison instantly sprang forward to pin back my hands, restricting me from attacking. I was trapped. Even if I managed to release myself from their grip, there was no way I could barge past the surrounding wall of enemies.

"Get off me!" I pleaded hopelessly, fearing the worst. I peered frantically for some form of help but found none. The backstreet was always deserted around this time of day, which was why I thought it safe to use. But I had been so wrong...

"Thought you could get away with it, huh?" Hayley hissed as her chocolate tinged breath wafted up my nostrils. "You fucking skanky bitch... Thinking you were proper smart with your plan to break us all up. You forgot who you were messing with." She used the tips of her fingers to push against my forehead, causing the back of my head to crash against the brick behind me. My skull began to throb with hot and woozy pain. Her friends laughed as I struggled desperately to release myself from their tight grip. Muttering profanities, I attempted to shake them off but their hold only burned tighter.

"Leaving so soon?" Becca asked softly. "No chance, cupcake. We have some things to make clear. Take her bag, girls." A frenzied scramble broke out as four females lunged forward to rip my handbag from my shoulder, helped by Gia who was holding my right wrist.

"Give my bag back!" I screeched frantically. "Shit, you guys! Please, stop-"

"Give my bag back!" The brunette gang leader mimicked as she ventured further into my vicinity. The others began to tip out my bag's contents over the gravel. I felt a swirling desire to muster up a ball of saliva to spit square in Becca's face, but I didn't meet my own challenge. I may have been foolish, but I wasn't about to play dirty in a one on seven game.

"So," Becca snarled, her glossy lip curling up in disgust. "You tried to fuck us over, hey Ashley? It was a nice plan, I'll give you that. Too bad it didn't work."

"It did work!" The words fell from my mouth quicker than I could think. The best thing to do is to remain quiet, I scolded myself. Keep quiet and it won't be so bad...

"Obviously, it didn't work." Becca snapped as she narrowed her thin eyes. "If it had worked, we wouldn't be in this situation right now, would we bubs?" She swiftly grabbed a hank of my hair and tugged sharply. I cried out at the sudden sore ache. A tingle of tears scalded the back of my eyeballs.

"Ooh, what's this?" A mahogany-red haired girl, who was rooting through my dropped possessions, cried out suddenly. "A £25 iTunes giftcard?"

"That's mine-" I started pathetically.

"That's the gift we got for you." Hayley snorted. "Oh bless, she's using it to keep the page of a book. The girl actually reads. Bet the card's not even fully used. I'll be taking it back..."

"Fine!" I exclaimed. "Take it, take the bloody thing, I haven't used any of it. Just let me go home, please..."

"Oh, but we're not done yet!" Becca smiled mischievously. "No, no, no. What book is she reading, Hayley?"

Hayley frowned at the novel's front cover. "Harry Potter and... The Goblet of Fire? Oh, isn't that the movie with Robert Pattinson in it? He was so hot."

"Oh, I know." Khloe, the redhead chimed in. "Him and Tom Felton are like whoa, hot. And then Rupert Grint is the sexiest ginger ever-"

"Shut up, Khloe." Becca snapped. "We're busy here. Hayley, is it paperback or hardback?"

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