Chapter Five Part 1

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The walk to school was a rushed one since I left my house incredibly late. I arrived home from Balfow Park on Friday at 9:30 and my parents weren't pleased at all. I wasn't exactly punished, but I was restricted to staying home the entire weekend. To make matters worse, on Saturday Bridget invited me to go shopping for the next day, to buy a new dress for the wedding she was going to.

"Please?" She had pleaded. "I know we argued yesterday, but we're best friends Ashley and you know that. I always go out with you when you ask-"

"Oh Bridget, please! It's not like we go out often anyway!" I snapped. "No, sorry Bridget, I didn't mean that. I just can't go."

"Why not?"

"I'm in trouble with my parents." I said absent-minded.

Big mistake.

"Really?" She exclaimed. "It's not like to get into trouble! What did you do, Ashley?"

What did I say to that? It's not like I could tell Bridget that I met up with Zayn and came home late. So I did the only smart thing I could think of at the time. I hung up the phone.

I had to avoid Bridget. Any person that passed me as I walked to school made me jump. But what did I have to feel guilty for anyway? I just met up with a friend in a park... If you could even call Zayn a friend.

The second I passed the school's gates, I ran into my tutor classroom and sat down. It was full with my classmates, but there was no sign of Bridget. Or Zayn for that matter. Strange. Me and Bridget usually had a habit of arriving to school at the same time, 3 minutes before the buzzer went and I had arrived just scraping on time. Even so, I wasn't particularly bothered that she wasn't here. It meant I could get some peace and quiet-

"Ashley?" A shrill voice whined. "Ashley! There you are!"

Or not.

"Bridget, hey!" I attempted to smile as I said it. "How are you?"

"Um, a little offended actually." She said, trying to move as fast as she could towards me.

"Oh, what's wrong?" I asked innocently.

"Well," Bridget began. "You hung up on me on Saturday-"

"Hey Ashley." A loud and masculine voice called out. Everybody turned their head to see Zayn waltz in, 5 minutes late for tutor.

Bridget scoffed. "Zayn, can you not walk into class so loudly when you're late, please?" She nudged me supportively, thinking she was doing me a favour.

"Well actually, Miss isn't here yet." Zayn argued. "So I'm not late, right Ashley?"

Once again, I sensed that feeling of everyone watching me. I guess this what Zayn meant by "Just follow my lead, yeah?" I could feel his eyes burning my skin the strongest.

"Yeah," I mumbled. "He's um, not late."

Zayn's smile was triumphant. He winked at me before turning to Bridget with a face like stone. "See. Maybe next time you should keep your time keeping to yourself, Angelina Ballerina."

The whole class burst into raucous laughter and I winced at the cruel nature of the jibe. Bridget was extremely short, only 5"1. With her petite figure, slightly large front teeth and short fluffy pale brown hair, she did resemble a small field mouse.

"Why did you have to agree with him?" Bridget hissed, blushing a deep shade of pink.

"Sorry Bridget," I whispered nervously. "But he was right about being on time!"

"Zayn Malik is far too much of an imbecile to ever be right-"

"Morning class!" Miss Allen hurried into the classroom. "So sorry I'm late, my car broke down and the traffic... I don't want to go there. Shall we begin our tutor activity?"

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