Chapter Nine

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I passed through the school gates wearily on Monday morning. I'd somehow still managed to possess my rattling hangover from the Saturday night party. It wasn't such a great idea to partake in a vodka jelly shot competition later on during the night. I don't know what was wrong with me; when would I, Ashley Jones ever take part in a drinking game? When would I ever drink alcohol? I couldn't even remember how the party ended. All I remember was heaving up everything I'd eaten that day in a cream tiled bathroom crammed with rambunctious people and then... That's as far as my memory stretched. I had awoken groggy the next morning, tucked up in my bed with a cool breeze sailing through my open window. Confused, I had rolled over in my bed and heard a small crunching sound. When I delved into the folds of my Disney duvet I found an unevenly folded note that read:

Good thing you're light; it made it a little easier carrying you home. Nice room btw. ;) - Z x

Zayn. Honestly, that boy had an effect on me like no other. But then again, Zayn was like no other boy. What boy would carry a girl back to her house after she passes out on a bathroom floor and tuck her into bed? I couldn't decide what kind of person Zayn was, but I did know that he was special, and there was no one else in the world I would have rather shared my first kiss with.

"Hey, Hayley!" I called out as I saw her walk past with Becca. Hayley gave me a small smile but Becca just stared at me blankly with her ocean blue eyes. Suddenly not liking the idea of walking to tutor alone, I hopped over to the both of them grinning.

"How was your weekend, Becca?" I desperately tried to keep up with how fast they were walking. "I heard you were in Wales."

"Uh huh," Becca grimaced. "How was your weekend, Ash? I heard you were in Zayn's mouth."

I blushed fiercely as Hayley snorted. "It was a dare." I insisted, my heart beating like an overused drum. "We got dared to do it and we did it. We kissed. W-whatever."

Becca let her manicured fingers glide through her shoulder-length brunette locks before nodding. "Yeah. I also heard that you went back for more. I don't think that was part of the dare. Bit gutsy of you Ash, no?"

I suddenly started to feel a bit uncomfortable with where the conversation was leading. "I don't know." I shuffled my feet nervously as we stopped outside our tutor room. "I guess, but I um-"

"Listen," Becca leant towards me so her soft strawberry-scented hair was tickling my face. "Don't take offence or anything but well, you're not really Zayn's type. So don't get your hopes up or anything, 'kay sweetie? I'm just saying this because y'kno, we're friends and everything... Just don't get heartbroken when he chooses someone else over you."

I ducked my head slightly as I felt my skin burn beet-red. Becca gave a squeeze on the shoulder and walked into the classroom, while Hayley smiled softly at me before following her best friend's lead.

Not Zayn's type, huh? I knew exactly what Zayn's type was, and I was an exact model of it when we had kissed on Saturday. It wouldn't be a problem for me to become his type on a regular basis. I turned on my ball of my foot and walked straight to the girl's toilets. The small heels of my shoes clicked along the wooden corridor as I rolled up my skirt waistband to show a little more leg...


"Zayn, where are you taking me?" His arm was wrapped through mine as we walked through the school grounds. It seemed that my trip to the bathroom before tutor had paid off. Good thing I had kept some of that make-up in my school bag.

"To the only decent place in the school." He announced. We eventually stopped in front of the Art Department. "Through here." He gestured towards a gap between the building and a small black painted hut. I hesitated but followed him anyway. The gap wasn't too small; in fact there was enough space for us both to sit on the gravel comfortably, but it was small enough to be easily missed by someone who was not aware of its whereabouts.

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