Chapter Seventeen

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Zayn really did have me doing some of the strangest things. I'd left my house at seven o'clock in the morning so that we could meet up at Balfow Park and enjoy a healthy breakfast of Skittles and Coca-Cola. We sat on the lightly frosted grass blades, cuddled up against the trunk of our favourite tree.

"You look good, Ash." He whispered into my ear seductively. I smiled and traced small hearts on the tanned skin of his arm with my finger.

"You're not so bad yourself!" I retorted playfully. My comment was a complete understatement; Zayn was drop dead gorgeous. The dappled light of the morning made sure to accentuate all his best facial features; his long eyelashes, his prominent cheekbones and of course, his famously bright orbs. His thick hair almost looked brown in the sunlight.

He pressed his soft lips against my neck and sucked my tender skin gently, causing me to groan with ecstasy. He knew exactly where to touch me, exactly how to make me feel good.

But he didn't stop there. I could feel his fingers travelling underneath my skinny jeans and toying with my underwear. It was like he had no self control...

"No, Zayn!" I whispered as I pushed him off. "Not here."

"Where, then?" He questioned. "Here?" He slipped his fingers further down my pants.

I began to laugh as I pushed him again. This time he joined me in the laughter while removing his hand from my clothes.

"Fine!" He exclaimed. "But don't think I'm giving up that easy. I plan on getting it on tonight."

I raised an eyebrow flirtatiously and he mirrored my actions.

"Come on!" He said suddenly as he stood up and grabbed my hand. "We're leaving."

"Why?" I questioned, my breath condensing in the bitter wintry air. It was fucking freezing. Even in my low-cut long sleeved cotton top, dark jeans and Zayn's hoodie, I found myself shaking with coldness. "Where we off to?"

"We're going to my secret location." He announced as he blew onto my hands to keep them warm. I got to my feet and we began to walk through Balfow Park, fingers adjoined. Balfow Park was an extremely large park; it was actually a lot bigger than I imagined it to be. We found ourselves walking through many trees and stepping over many large rocks during our ten minute trek.

"Where are we going?" I whined. Zayn simply smiled at me and replied that we were almost there.

"Voilà!" He exclaimed after another five minutes. "We're here now."

We were standing at a large lake. We didn't seem to be in Balfow Park anymore, at least the Balfow Park that I knew. The lake was beautiful; the whole scenery was picture perfect. I was about to get my Blackberry out of my pocket so that I could take a photo, when I noticed Zayn taking off his trainers.

"What are you doing?" I inquired curiously.

Zayn wiggled his toes. "We..." He began. "...are about to skinny dip. So I'm taking off my shoes. You should too."

My mouth nearly dropped to the floor. "Excuse me?" I choked. "Skinny dip? Zayn, it's like 3°C right now, there's no way we can go in the water!"

Zayn cocked his head to the side. "There's nothing to be scared of! Don't be a pussy."

Oh yeah, nothing to be scared of, except maybe the fact that I can't swim.

Aquatic sports were never pastimes that I enjoyed. Every time I found myself attempting to swim, I had a panic attack. It was safe to say that I had a mild fear of water, nothing as serious as aqua phobia, but it was scary nonetheless. I hadn't had a swimming lesson since I was in Primary School, those were compulsory, and even those lessons ended in floods of salty tears and screaming. But I couldn't explain that to Zayn. He'd laugh at me.

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