Wait.. What?

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        "See you when you get back, Kalel!"

        Kalel waves goodbye and heads out to go buy a few more things for an outfit video she's making. Anthony left a while ago, doing who knows what. I guess Buki and I get the house all to ourselves now, haha. I glide my hand across Buki's back and head into my little fantasyland.. My room! 

        I gracefully flop onto my bed and start scrolling through twitter on my phone. Nothing too unusual, not that I was really paying attention anyways.. Hey, I had a busy day of vlogging and editing. I decide to look through my messages, see if there's anything important. Just the usual silly forwards and sup?s. I get to the messages between Shane and I. We've been getting close lately, and I love it.  He's hilarious, sweet, adorable.. 

        (You've guessed right, kiddos. I'm gay. ~ Have I really announced it? No, its my personal life, and it doesn't really matter. Plus, I've made it obvious at times. Aaaaanyways.. )

        I hear the familiar chime of the text tone I set for Shane. I smile and scroll down to see the newest message.

        Shane: Have you seen my new video yet... ?

        I furrowed my brows. He sometimes makes me watch videos of his like if we're in it together or if it's one that he has a funny story about. The way he typed it made me think this was something more serious..

        Me: Not yet, S. Lookin now

        I got up and slumped over to my mac and scrolled through my YouTube subscriptions. I got to Shane's newest video, on his second channel. "WE'RE OVER?!" I calmed down a bit, knowing him and Lisa sometimes use eye-catching titles like that to get a few extra views. I looked at the typical photoshopped thumbnail, one of Shane's many faces with a big broken heart in the background.. I debated on maybe not watching it, but if Shane wanted me to, I might as well. 

        "Hey, guys! It's Shane here. Came here for the title? Hahahah, well you won't be dissapointed this time.." Wait.. What?

        "Yep. Lisa and I, we broke up." I gasp and unlock my phone, getting ready to text him back. I keep listening.

        "This isn't any sort of joke, and Lisa isn't going to pop out and say "'just joshin ya!' and show her tits or whatever you guys want. Jokes aside, I want to keep this serious and straight to the point. It's not any easier on me than it is you guys."

        Me: I'm so sorry, Shane!!

        I look back up at the video while he writes a reply.

        "We just.. We thought we were ready for this type of dedication.. But the stress of it all was just, just too much. Trying to work with your love interest is hard fucking work. Don't worry guys, it was mutual and mature. We're just back to the platonic duo of Shane and Lisa.. Woop!"

        He makes a joke about dating Shanaynay or something, but I don't pay attention. I start reading some of the comments.. "Hah, knew you couldn't keep a girl!" - "Gay" - "I'm so sorry!" - "Now I have a chance!!" - 'It's because of Joey.. Shane :("

        The video comes to a close and I sit there thinking about what to do. So, he's really single. He still hasn't responded.. I should go be a good friend. I grab my jacket and text him,

        Me: On my way over, S

                                                                              ~ ♡ ~

(A.N) Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the story so far! We'll get to the Shoey love soon enough.. (; Let me know if you've got any questions, I'll try to answer! But yeah, that's about all I've got to say. Remember to vote and follow if you want to! Bye shipmates <3


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