The Lock Down: Part Five - Saving Nick

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Nick's eyes began closing as Aaron moved towards Zak. Nick sighed as his cold body became warm. He opened his eyes to find himself standing in a bright light. He looked at his wrist. It was no longer bleeding. There wasn't even a scar.
Nick looked up as he noticed a young couple approaching him. "Nick," the man said in surprise, "what are you doing here?"
"I have no idea," Nick said. "I don't even know where I am." The man looked at the woman beside him. They exchanged sad glances. The woman turned and began speaking to Nick.
"Nick," the woman said, "this is The Light. It's the main portal between the living and the dead. It's-It's only used when people are dying. . .or are dead." Nick's eyes widen.
"W-What," Nick stuttered, "n-n-no! I can't die! I have a wife and a daughter!" The couple looked at him pitifully. "Please you have to let me live. I can't leave my four year old to go through life without me."
"Yo! Aiden! Maria!" The couple, who's names were apparently Aiden and Maria, glanced behind Nick at someone else who was calling their names. Nick turned around to find Emma standing there. Emma ran up and grabbed Nick's arm. "Look this guy's not supposed to die yet," Emma said, throwing Aiden and Maria a twisted smile. Aiden rolled his eyes.
"Look, teen," Aiden said bitterly to Emma, "you technically haven't died yet, and therefore you are not yet part of the Heavenly Guard. Quit swooping in here like you're a pro." Emma glared at him.
"Don't believe me?," Emma challenged. "Go check his paperwork." Aiden growled slightly.
"You know what? Fine. We will. Come on Maria." As the couple turned and strutted away, Emma quickly dragged Nick in the opposite direction.
"Those two are so gullible," Emma said, laughing.
"Wait. . .so. . .am I supposed to die?," Nick questioned. Emma shrugged.
"I don't know. Probably. That doesn't mean I'm gonna let it happen." Nick smiled at Emma's answer.
"If you can cross into The Light, then why don't you just cross all the way over?," Nick asked. Emma looked at him with a sad expression.
"I never had a proper burial and I was never legally acclaimed dead," Emma said. "Those are the two most important factors in being able to cross over. Since neither of those ever happened after I died, I can't go to the Judge of Heart and cross over." Nick raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"The Judge of Heart?," he asked.
"He's the one who decides wether or not you were a good person during your mortal life. Once the decision is made, he either places you in Heaven or Hell," Emma replied. "It's literally like a court of law. Thing's get pretty intense in there. I've been called for jury duty a few times now. That's how I met Aiden and Maria. They had to prosecute someone and I won the case or something. I don't know, I was never interested in things like that."
"What's the Heavenly Guard?"
"The Heavenly Guard is a special group of elite angels who are in charge of defending the mortal realm from the hidden swarms of The Creatures of Hell. Before you ask, The Creatures of Hell are pretty much the opposite of the Heavenly Guard. I'm working towards getting into the Guard. I want to fight demons. That was my favorite job when I was on Ghost Adventures with you guys, driving off demons that didn't belong." Emma's head lowered. "That's assuming I even go to Heaven," she said sadly.
"Why wouldn't you?," Nick asked. Emma looked at Nick like he'd just asked her what two plus two was.
"I killed a man!," she exclaimed.
"Out of self defense," Nick pointed out.
"I still murdered him!" Nick was about to say something, when they suddenly reached what looked like the entrance to a tunnel. Emma shoved Nick forward. "That's the exit. Go on through. I'll be right behind you." Nick stepped through the exit, squirming ting as white light blinded him slightly.

A/N: By the way, I'm aware that some of you have different religious opinions than me. I'm sorry that I didn't go according to YOUR religion, this is just easiest for me to write. You don't like it, don't finish the book. It's that simple. I don't want hundreds of people ranting at me about the way I write, that's just annoying.

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