The Second Lock Down: Part Three - Driving Out The Demon

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After Emma crossed over, her family was released from the building. They were ordered to find a hotel or a friend's house to stay at. What was going to happen next was to dangerous to have Grant and Ava around, which meant Matt and Melissa had to leave too. Nick watched in anxiety as the family left the house. As they left, Nick knew that the more dangerous part of the investigation was coming up.
Billy locked the door again, and Zak turned to Aaron, Nick and Selzaca. "Alright," Zak said, "time for the more exciting part of our investigation." Nick raised an eyebrow at Zak.
"Zak are you just saying that because you get to taunt a demon?," Nick asked. Zak smiled.
"Maybe," Zak said. Nick rolled his eyes, but smiled anyway.
"There is nothing funny about demons," Selzaca said, a bit irritated. Zak raised an eyebrow at her.
"I never said there was," Zak said. Selzaca crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes.
"Taunting demons can be very dangerous," Selzaca said. "This is serious business, we don't have time for foolishness."
"It's not foolishness," Zak said, already pounding down the steps to the basement. "The man killed my friend. If I have a chance to hurt him, then I'm going to. And by taunting, I'm able to do that." Nick heard Zak's sneakers strike the basement's stone floor. "Now come on," Zak called up from the dark basement. Selzaca pushed past Nick and Aaron, muttering under her breath with annoyance. Nick looked over at Aaron. 'Wow' Aaron mouthed to Nick, then turning and watching Selzaca stomp down the basement steps. Aaron followed behind her. Nick stood at the top of the basement stairs. He really didn't want to go down there. "Nick! Get down here!," Zak called. Taking a deep breath, Nick stepped onto the steps leading to the basement.
When Nick reached the basement, Aaron grabbed his arm. Nick was about to ask what Aaron was doing, but Aaron put a finger against his lips, signaling for Nick to be quiet. Smiling in amusement, Aaron pointed to the middle of the room. Nick looked over and almost started laughing. Zak was taunting the demon, and Selzaca was glaring at him from the corner, looking pissed off. When Zak stopped taunting, he turned and squinted at Selzaca. "Your turn," Zak said, his voice dripping with challenge. Selzaca strutted past him and began saying a bunch of ritualistic words. When she finished, Selzaca turned and, with her nose in the air, strutted past Zak again.
"It's gone," Selzaca said coldly, glancing over her shoulder at Zak. Zak nodded, and the group began to leave the basement. Suddenly, something slammed Nick against the wall, crushing his ribs against the stone wall.
"You lied," Zak snarled at Selzaca. Selzaca didn't reply, just watched Nick's face contort in pain with wide eyes and a hanging jaw.
"I thought it was!," Selzaca protested. "I couldn't feel the presence of it. The damn thing tricked me!" Nick felt more pressure be applied to his ribs.
"Guys," Nick said weakly to the two bickering adults. "A little help!" Selzaca came down and stood at Nick's side.
"I demand the demon that's haunting this house leave immediately!," Selzaca demanded. A demonic laugh followed Selzaca's words. Nick winced as his injured wrist began throbbing. He gasped as Selzaca threw Holy Water over him. A high pitched screech echoed throughout the basement. "I demand that you leave!," Selzaca repeated loudly. "In the name of The Lord, I demand that you leave this house!" Selzaca pulled off a necklace with a silver cross and pressed it onto Nick's forehead. The pressure against Nick's ribs quickly disappeared, and Nick slumped against the basement wall, feeling tired and weak.

Zak raced over to Nick and crouched beside him. "Nick," Zak said, gently shaking his friend's shoulder. "You okay man?" Nick looked up at Zak, his face looking drained.
"Dude," Nick said, looking away from Zak and rubbing his head. "I feel so tired after that bro it's not even funny."
"Well do you need help getting up?," Zak asked.
"Mm-mm," Nick said, leaning against the wall as he pushed himself up off of the ground. "It's all good," Nick said, moving towards the stairs. "I just need to get out of here." Aaron grabbed Nick's arm and helped him walk up the steps. Zak turned to Selzaca with an icey glare.
"You told us that the demon was gone," Zak said coldly.
"I thought it was," Selzaca replied, just as cold. "Well, I did my part. Now let me out of here." Zak considered making the woman stay. He knew he'd feel pleasure in seeing her freak out when he told her that she couldn't leave until dawn. No, Zak thought, I have to be an adult about this. I'll let her leave. Pulling his walkie off of his belt, Zak called for Billy to come let Selzaca out. Selzaca nodded at Zak and politely wished him a successful night. As Selzaca left all Zak could think was, foolish. Psh. I'm not foolish. However, that thought itself made him question who was really right.

Aaron stood beside Nick on the ground floor of the house. They watched as Selzaca stomped out of the house. As the door locked behind her, Zak joined Nick and Aaron upstairs. "Finally, she's gone," Zak muttered. Nick rolled his eyes. And here he thought Zak was supposed to be a twenty nine year old man, not a twelve year old girl who wears to much lip gloss and dresses like she's still six.
"What should we do now?," Aaron asked. "I mean. . .Emma's free now, and we got rid of the demon. Now what?" For a moment, Zak looked confused.
"You. . .have a point Aaron," Zak said. "We've accomplished everything we came here to accomplish. Now we've got nothing to do, and we still have twenty minutes worth of an episode to record." Well crap, Aaron thought. This is a real issue.
"I know," Nick whispered, "we could make a memorial montage for Emma. Maybe the fan base would like it." Zak nodded slowly.
"I really like that idea," Zak said. So for the rest of the night, the G.A.C sat around, looking through pictures of Emma and the crew for the montage. At the end of the night, as they stood in front of the house at dawn, they took one final group picture crouched next to Emma's memorial cross in the front yard. One final goodbye for Emma, Aaron thought.

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