I want to see him swimming with all of you^^ -13-

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It was already too late for Makoto to find (Name) any more... He didn't want to pressure her; He knew how she felt... He almost felt the same for Haru's race. That's why he told Rin his mind.


"What ells maters in swimming other than wining?" Asked Rin visibly irritated.
"There is more... At least, Haru thought there was something more. That's why he wanted to race you. And I'm pretty sure that you are the one who taught him, what that something was. When we swam in that relay in grade school, you-" Makoto was willing to say more but Rin was almost out of control.
"What do I care? I beat Haru. That's all that matters." and Rin past by them.
...End of the Flashback...

He was ready for his race, He did all the stretching before he enter the water for two reasons, the first one was to cool his mind, with not much success, and second he knew that Kou would have her eyes on him just to make sure he did everything like it was supposed to. He didn't want (Name) angry with him with something as stupid as skipping his stretching.

Almost the same time...

|...Your p.o.v....|
I have to find him! This place is soooo Huge! I got lost for at least 3 times already. And I have to worry not only for him but for the others too. What if they try to find me is such a big crowd?!
I decided to start from the beginning once more. I get out again to see where I am, and go inside from another entrance.
And then... I think it was the most relaxing thing in the world. I saw him sitting in a chair all alone. His eyes were up staring, empty. At the beginning I thought it was an illusion, but soon I proved myself wrong.
I sit next to him, he doesn't seem to notice me.
"Haru?" His reaction was just to move his eyes. His wet hair were leaving water drops on his forehead and cheeks, they looked like tears.
"Haru... I was looking for you..." My words never reach him...
"Why do I swim?" It was nothing more than a whisper...
"Haru... What are you talking about?" I said in worry with the gap between my brows getting smaller. I cupped his cheeks and went closer to his face.
"Then...if Rin had won... would I feel differently now?" He asked. I have no answer to that. His skin was cold and he was shut still like a statue made of marble.
"I don't know the answer to that, my love." I was scared I never had seen Haru in that condition; the thing was not about his loose it was something deeper.
Before it was too late I hugged him, not the tight hugs we made when we had to see each other for long time, but the other comforting hugs. Those hugs, which meant 'For whatever reason I will be here.' He didn't hug me back but he just let himself fell on my arms. He was not heavy but hold him like that was a strange feeling. It felt like a sweet burden that I was grateful I carried.
"I don't know how you feel, I wish I could, but I don't. You never explained." I said almost breathless. I felt his breath on my neck one of his hands touching lightly my leg. I rubbed his back with my hands getting him as close as I could. I don't know how much time we were there. But suddenly I heard Nagisa's voice. He was calling Haru; he seemed not surprised to see me with him. Haru started to act more normal, Nagisa grabbed our arms and lead us outside, I almost forgot about Makoto.
Everyone was shouting for him, and I noticed Haru's eyes a small sparkle. Nagisa went with the others, I wanted to join them too, but it was too much for me to leave Haru like that.
My mind went blank in the last moments of Makoto's performance. He almost did it.
Haru and I were there to see everyone's race. All of them did their best but I didn't get a word from him. All the time I thought he was behind me. But When I join the others he was not there. Makoto told me not to think much about it. He said he would be fine, that I was more than lucky to find him in the first place, and that I did my part more than enough. He will move on, himself.
We were ready to leave, Amakata-san and Sasabe-coach had already left and we were alone Kou-chan, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and I.
I heard Nagisa's melancholic voice; "It's over" and Makoto agreed
"It would have been nice to go to regionals." Makoto rest his arms to his waist "After we practiced so hard, I was thinking at least one of us might make it thought. But it's not that easy in reality."
"There is more in swimming than I realized. Understanding just the theory is not enough to win." When Rei said those words I remembered what his goggles lost their place during his dive.
"I'm fired up." said Rei in the end.
"Well it's a bit too late for that." Nagisa said with his usual smile.
But after a pause... I heard Kou; "No, it's not too late." Huh? Don't tell me she actually did it? She told me that she was seriously thinking about it. She even asked me my opinion if Haru would do it but, I can't believe she DID it...
And Kou continued; "There's still the second day of the tournament tomorrow."
"But the events we entered were all today." Complained Nagisa...
Makoto was skeptical... "The second day is the individual medley and the relay..." He seemed more like talking to himself...
"Kou-chan! Don't tell me you actually did it?" I stopped Makoto before he realized it. She sent me a look. And then she went in front of us...
"I'm sorry! I signed you up for the medley relay in secret!"
All of them reacted like a huge 'Whaaaat?'
And I was just smiling to myself. "OH! Kou I can' believe you did It!" I was almost happy.
"I already told sensei about it..."
"So if we win the relay..."
"We can go to regionals!" Kou finished Nagisa's sentence. A huge smile was on my lips.
"That's crazy. This is too sudden. We didn't practice at all for the relay." But at some point, Makoto had the truth on his side.
"Why didn't you say something sooner?"
"Because it sounded like Haruka-senpai didn't want to be in a relay." And as sudden the smile was formed on my face, it disappeared. But Rei said something that got my attention.
"Let's do it."
"Rei-chan?" asked Nagisa.
"This is our final chance! We haven't practiced for a relay but it's still worth a shot!"
The other two seemed serious as they nodded.
We went straight to Haru's house. We need his answer!
Makoto was on the lead when we arrived, but the light in his house was off. Breathless, Rei said; "No luck. He isn't home yet." Makoto went thru the back door; "We can enter upstairs!" I followed him without thinking; the same was for the others as well.
"Uh, wait! Is this really okay?!" Rei complained. After we searched everywhere we meet up in the main room down stairs. Rei still had his objections; "You shouldn't run around someone's house when they are not..." But he stopped talking coz something ells got his attention.
I went outside with Makoto; it was clear from the beginning that he would not be here. He will come back only when he feel like too. We herd Rei's voice; "Let's wait for him to return." He had a photo in his hands. Actually he had the photo in his hands.
"Will Haru-chan agree to swim in the relay?" Nagisa asked. I could hear he was totally not sure...
It was after nine o'clock in the evening and he was still not here. I didn't left Makoto's side I bet we was as worried as me, the other three of them was inside. Sometimes They were talking for a bit, but soon I realized that I haven't contact my Oba-chan yet. She didn't knew where I was.
"Shimata!" I said in surprise... Makoto turned his face to me. "Are you alright?" he asked.
"Ma...ma... I just forgot to tell Hiroko Oba-chan where I am now... I better call and tell her I'm goona be late..." I said while I got my cell phone out of my bag.
"It's ok if you can't stay, you know..." Makoto said comforting me with one of his well known smiles.
"That's not it. Makoto, you know that I won't leave before at least I see him with my own eyes." A smirk appeared on his face...
"Hai..." he said.
I stepped some meter's away from him just to make my phone call, Things got pretty noisy at the time I was away... When I got back the only thing I could get was that they just left a voice mail to Haru's cell phone... Makoto did not take part in all this. When I reached him I sent a glare, first to him and then one on the others inside...
"I thought Haru-chan doesn't carry his phone around with him..." I whispered. I think it was enough for Makoto to hear my words.
"That's what the truth is..." He said calmly with a soft smile. It didn't take long for the other's to understand it themselves. Makoto repeated my words, they all seemed quite disappointed.
"It's getting late...We should head home."
"But..." Kou complained.
"I don't think Haru will swim tomorrow. We'll have to forfeit." The others got silent... I could see the truth in his speech, I honestly wanted to see all of them swim tomorrow... but deep inside I couldn't imagine it, in real life. I can't tell them of course. But... I breathed heavily; there is nothing I can do... So I sat there hugging my knees staring the moon.
I don't know how much time has past. I was just lying there... lost in my thoughts... When I felt someone behind me, for some point I wanted to believe he came back... But I was wrong
"I thought I said that we should get back home..." Makoto's voice was soft to my ears.
"Then why are you still here? Mister Smart? also I don't take orders from you... captain" was my answer...
"That's true...sometimes I forgot you are older than me..." Sometimes I forgot it too... "I can't go back yet, I won't leave before at least I see him with my own eyes." He said. He used my own words...(?)

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