Chapter Two: Age 14

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Mer and Alex were roaming the halls of Seattle Grace Hospital. Alex was very protective of Meredith. He was always near her. Especially after Ellis had attempted to kill herself. Late at night when they were asleep in the on-call room she would wake up screaming, or sobbing. Alex always comforted her, either by hugging her or striking her hair. Alex recently found himself dumbfounded by her. She was still her. Luckily they went to the same school. And had all of there classes together. Meredith looked into a room and almost fainted, Alex peered in and grabbed her protective, as always. In the room was a boy, Joey. Alex almost went in to beat him.

*Flash Back*
(Meredith was walking down the hall her caramel hair in a ponytail. Alex was walking next to her talking about his favorite movie. Then all a sudden Meredith was pulled away and was pinned against a locker. Her eyes wide with fear. A boy, Joey, was holding his hand on her neck. Teasing her. Alex was getting ready to knock the living daylights out of Joey, then, Alex noticed that he was pushing on her trachea.
"One move Alex and I'll kill her!" He yelled. Alex looked at Meredith desperate to save her. His best friend was losing color. Joey was calling her a tease, a slug, and a Cunt. Then he said something that was so awful even Alex was stunned. He called her a stupid, retarded, ordinary Scank. Tears were falling over her cheeks. Alex knew it wasn't because he said she was a skank it was because he calls her ordinary. Then Joey whispered something in her ear. Then a teacher came and he dropped her. She fell gasping for breath. Joey had already slid into a class and Alex held Meredith telling the teacher to call Seattle Grace Hospital, the whole way Meredith cryed because she could barely breath, and the whole ride he held her. The next two weeks Meredith was scared to go to school so he ditched with her. They went to Burger King, Wendy's, and watched a lot of tv, sometimes if she asked he'd read to her. But after those two weeks they went to school. Ellis hadn't noticed that she wasn't there and neither did Alex's parents. Joey hadn't been seen buy Alex never left her alone. And got his whole schedule changed so he could always be with her. He got teased but he didn't care)
Meredith stood motionless in the door. It had been two months since the incident but her hand flew up to her throat. Alex peered in and saw he was hooked up to tubes and had a tube in his stomach. Mer ran all the way to the supply closet, where the new intern Dr.Bailey was. She jumped back. Mere turned on her heal and ran out. Ran, into a broom closet. A few minutes Later Alex found her. She was leaning her head against the wall.
"Alex?" She asked her voice hoarse.
"Yea, Mer?" He said he didn't want her to be sad.
"I love you, not as a friend." She whispered.
"I love you too, not as a friend." He said smiling. Then he went over and sat next with her. She asked him to figure out what was wrong with Joey, he nodded and left. Then he came back 20 minutes Later. Joey died. She shrugged. Then he went over and asked,
"Mer, can I kiss you?" She smiled and blushed. Then looked at him and kissed him. But that night in the on call room it didn't feel awkward when she climbed in with him and played next to him. He stroked her hair. Then hesitantly kissed the tip of her hair. He felt her smile against his chest.

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