2.First Encounters

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 First encounters

The sun was ablaze and the skies were as clear as a crystal. Stepping out of reception I took a deep breath as I looked up at the sun. It looked beautiful, not as luscious as the skies overseas but clear enough for an English summer day. Surveying the school gates, they stood bare, not a pupil insight, including Leah.

“Thanks for waiting up sis” i muttered to myself

Making my way across the car park, the nerves that had once settled now began to make themselves known, much to my annoyance. In all fairness I figured it was only because I knew the time was closer approaching and it seemed to be all my mind could linger on. It's weird how that happens you spend the day trying to think of everything but what is about to occur, but that seems to be the only thing your mind can think of until the event has been fulfilled. Stopping at the crossing in the road yet another wave of nostalgia swept over me.

I was back in the Autumn, enrolling on my first day of yet another school.

The wind swayed the trees above me, simultaneously swirling the leaves at my feet, that had prematurely fallen that morning.

New school. New start.

That had been my own personal motto for the past 5 years. How I hated this. Don't get me wrong it's not that I was ungrateful, I would have just preferred to be settled in one place rather than continuously moving from place to palace

Head held high I tried to shrug off the anxiety I had felt that morning, as Chaise, my little brother, jogged me from my sleep. Nothing had seemed to work, not even the breakfast I had guzzled down , had any effect on my attempt to calm my nerves.

Temporarily blinded as the wind caused my hair to swirl across my vision, I pulled it from across my face and secured it atop my head as best I could. Crossing my arms across my chest to preserve the warmth I had lost, I carried on trudging along until I got to the main road.

Continuing on the route I had planned the morning before, I soon came across a tiny swarm of students, some of which I was sure to soon become friends with. Considering it was the first day of the new school year I was surprised to see the street looking a little more deserted than I had expected. However I put this down to the younger children having gone to school earlier to become 'accustomed' before all the older years swamped the gates. Resulting in each year beginning at different times. At least that's what Leah had said when she left at 8.00 this morning.

Nearing the turning at the end of the road I noticed the small group I had first seen were in fact a group of guys possibly around my age. Upon closer inspection I now noticed they were wearing the same uniform as my very own. Reaching them sooner than I had expected I decided to over take them, not wanting to look like I was stalking their every move. Whether it was nerves or just plain stupidity, I carried on taking in the scenery around me not really paying much attention to what was going in my surroundings.

Hey watch out!”

Jumping in shock, as the squeal of the breaks and honking of the horn took over all my senses. Stuck in complete fear I prepared myself for impact, before being yanked back against someone, and toppling to the ground. Pausing a moment to catch my breath, it wasn't until I heard a groan from underneath my the I jumped to my feat and straightened myself out, prepared to meet the stranger I had collapsed on top of.

Seemingly un-phased by the situation we had just found ourselves in, I found herself face to face with one of the guys I had been tailing. Tall and freckled, he had been the one to stand out from the group who now stood on the other side of the road, supposedly waiting for their friend to catch up. What had stood out to me the most was his eyes the weren't shocking but they were definitely a noticeable shade of blue, contrasting with the dark auburn shade atop his head, making them stand out all the more. Taking them back into account it was then that I realised the seriousness of the situation as I noticed a worried, yet angered expression covering his face. Subtly shaking my head in realisation of my stupidity I was finally able to string together a sentence in apology

I am so sorry” I gushed

No worries, it's not the first time I've helped a damsel in distress” he shrugged brushing himself off

Who said anything about being in distress?”

Walking into traffic filled road, clearly qualifies you into the category”

Having no way to respond to, I simple turned and crossed the road, this time checking both ways before I set my feet in motion.

Hey that's no way to treat your saviour!”

Again having no response I nodded to his friends who had walked on ahead, clearly bored of waiting for their friend to catch up. “Aren't those your friends up ahead?”

He shrugged “I'm Kyle by the way”

Renaya” I responded

So do you make a habit of walking into traffic?”

Although I noted the sarcasm I couldn't help but look over to see if there was just a hint of seriousness in his face when I noticed none I carried on walking “Very funny” was my only response

Just trying to lighten the mood, your first day?”

What is this? 20 questions?”

Hey remember who you're talking to the-”

-guy who saved my life yeah I know, thanks for that” I snapped

Walking side my side I tried to ignore his presence however that was easier said than done “Are you usually this crabby”

I dropped my mouth in shock.

I would close it if I were you might catch a stray fly” he commented pushing up my chin to close my mouth shut

No I'm not” I finally answered, lowering my voice I let out a exasperated sigh“Just a little nervous I guess” that was partly the truth, in all honesty the amount of time I had to swap schools I should have been used to this by now the motion I was truly feeling was that of being fed up

Well don't sweat it, NSC is a pretty chilled out placed”

I nodded once again and we lapsed into silence as we entered in at the school gate.

Here we are” Kyle beamed

Here we are” I repeated

You know where your going?”


Want a guided tour?” he offered as he led the way through the car park.

I'm sure I'll manage”

As I crossed over the path, this time looking both ways before I did so, I smiled at the memory. Being the first time Kyle and I had ever met, it became the start of a great friendship, one I wish could still continue to this day.

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