8.Time Capsule

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Time Capsule

“Wakey wakey risey shiney!” Chaise sang as he continued to bounce on my bed in an attempt to wake me up.

“What Chaise?”

“Leah said to wake you” he replied innocently

I took a deep breath trying to contain myslef “Chaise leave me alone”

“But Leah-”

“Forget what Leah said” I huffed


I swatted him away grumbling under my breath, when no attck came I relaxed again under the covers hoping he would leave me alone, but no such thing happened he continued to pester to the point where even if I tried I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep.

''Okay okay, I’m up!'' I groaned giving up, knowing that Chaise wouldn't quit until he fulfilled what he set out to do. Unsatisfied with my response as I lay motionless he began to tug the covers off of me until they landed in a pile on the floor, him being the in the centre of the mess, sighing I dragged myself out of bed.

Picking up my phone on the bedside table I checked the time with half closed eye lids 10.30. It may have not been terrible early, but it was definitely earlier than what I wanted to wake up. “Leah better have a good reason for getting me up this early” I grumbled to no one but myself. “May as well get this over and done with” I continued once I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes.

Shooing Chaise out of my room I made my way to the bathroom to take a look at myself in the mirror. Hair askew, bags under eyes, I looked a mess, probably due to the lack of sleep I got last night It's a good job I’m out to impress anyone today. Stripping out of my Pj's I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away the sleepiness.

Dressing for the day I grabbed my bag and other necessities then headed downstairs where I hoped some type of food waited for me. Being in luck, I snatched up a piece of toast from the plate Mum had set in the middle of the table and took a seat while pouring some juice

“Hey that was my piece!” Leah protested from opposite me

“Correct it was your piece” I affirmed stuffing it in my mouth


“Leah stop the moaning” Mum shot down, clearly not in the mood for squabbles so early in the morning.

Leaning back against the chair she puffed outwards, clearly annoyed while ripping a new piece of toast from between her teeth, having clearly being defeated. After shoving the last remnants of toast into my mouth I aimlessly brushed my hands off over my plate, jumping down from the stool.

“Come on squirt,” I announced downing my drink in one "Let's go!"

“I'm taller than you” she retorted standing next to me for emphasis although I knew this fact to be true I would constantly deny it, who knew where she got her obscenely tall gene from, goodness knows how I wanted some.

“Get lost” I shoved her jokingly

We had made it into town in record time and after being dragged around countless clothes shops with Leah I was now on breaking point. Don;t get me wrong I loved a good shop and hanging out with my sister, but when she was as indecisive as a leaf in the wind there was only so much patience I could muster.

Coming up to the second floor I paused at the top of the escalator. “Lea how many more shops are you planning on going in?”

“Until I find something I like” she shrugged as though it was no big deal

“And what exactly is that Leah?”

“Won't know until I find it” she sang

“Well how about this” I reasoned “I leave you to do what your doing and we meet back here at a set time?”

“Fine by me” she agreed prancing off in a sudden direction happy to do her own thing.

Walking around with no real purpose I realised maybe I would have been better of staying with Leah, at least I wouldn't have to wonder around by myself. Shrugging off the lonely feeling I bought myself a slush and began to window shop for the majority of my time. That was until I came across a small souvenir shop, that in itself held a memory. Unable to resist I let myself in jingling the bell above my head softly.

“Can I help you with anything?” the lady asked from behind the desk

“I'm fine thank you, just came for a look around” I smiled in response as I strolled on down the few aisles

This time last year, during the bank holiday. Ava, Kyle and I had also been wondering around aimlessly when we had decided to take a look at the shop we regularly walked past.

Kyle had soon got bored as Ava and I continued to look at the little mementos that would soon become memory landmarks to those who brought them. Not that there was anything all the interesting about our town. It was probably the reason Ava had suggested her idea.

Why don't we make a friendship memory box?” Ava suggested spontaneously, having finally done a full 360 of the shop.

A memory box?” Kyle questioned

Yeah” Ava beamed like it was the best idea in the world “That way we can see how much we changed over a year” she explained

Really Aves?” she continued in a disbelieving manner

Yeah why not? We each choose one of our favourite pictures plus something that sums us all up put it in the box, chose a date and open it.”

Obviously boredom is kick in” Kyle sighed running his hand down the length of his face

Well it doesn't sound like a terrible idea” I wavered towards the idea.

Oh come on!” he protested

Yeah Kyle it beats having nothing to do” Ava whined hoping to sway him to the idea

Okay fine,” he gave in “I just don't see how much can change in just a year.” he shrugged picking up a small monument for inspection

If only he had known.

We had made a pact that year that would return to the time capsule every year. Remembering the old and adding something new. Though the bank holiday didn't fall on the same day every year we decided to keep the date as a reminder, that regardless of what happened we would all make an effort be there.

So when are we meant to come back and open this thing?” Kyle asked kicking down the earth that now held the box in place.

Seeing as it was Ava idea, we both turned in her direction to see what she had to say I the matter.

How about we come back every May bank holiday that way we have no excuse in forgetting the date.”

Which one the first or the last in the month” Kyle queried

The first” she suggested

Bank holidays don't fall on the same date every year though Aves.” I reminded “ We may not get the day off school”

Good point” she mused

How about we just keep this date as a reminder?” I suggested “It can't be that hard to remember”

Yeah I guess”

And the depending on what we are all doing we can set a time when it gets nearer to the date.” Ava concluded.

Okay so if we all set a reminder on our phone that way we be sure to keep the date deal?”

We all agreed to the plan slipping our phones in our pockets once we were done

Having made my way around the shop I pulled my phone out of my pocket in habit, glancing down at the time I sighed, only 6 more hours to go.

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