4.Enter Ava

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 Enter Ava

Turning into my street I took a look at the time, 3.45 my phone blinked out at me.

5 hours 15 minutes to go

Walking along the side of the street opposite to mine, I came across the house in question. Home to a considerable amount of memories, some good some bad. However, at this moment as I walked passed, it was the first memory made there that came to mind.

''I see you bothered to tidy up'' I smirked as I swamped through piles of clothes, jumped game controllers and nearly tripped on goodness knows what.

Yeah I would say I made quite the effort don't you think?”

Being the child that I am I slowly made my way through the rest of the mess, once close enough I took all the energy I had to jump and belly dive onto his bed, just to check out it springiness.

What are you doing?” Kyle questioned.

Just testing out the springs”

Kyle looked at me as though I was crazy but left me to my own devices. “Right...” he muttered as he began to clear a path from his bed to the door.

Leaving him to his task and taking in the rest of my surroundings,it was then that I noticed an huge memo cork board at the foot of Kyle's bed. Taking a closer look the board was covered in snap shot pictures cinema and concert tickets and what looked like scrap book cut outs.

Pausing to take in the pictures dotted around the board I could easily make a younger looking Kyle along with the other friends I had seen him hang out with at school although I couldn’t match the names to faces. Further on to the right were what looked like more recent pictures of Kyle some of the pictures with people I could recognise but the majority of pictures now included a pretty little blonde with deep brown eyes. From what I had heard I guessed this must be Ava

So what time is Ava coming over?” I ask bouncing back on his bed and breaking the silence

Should be here any moment now”

As if on cue the bedroom door opened with a bang followed by a very audible scoff.

Ha! I see you haven't changed one bit” Ava taunted jokingly

Why change when I like it just the way it is”

Typical” Ava muttered under her breath

"Don't act like you don't like it either"

"Quite the contrary"

"Don't act like you didn't miss me"

"You yes the room, not so much”

I sat in silence for a while just content in watching them banter back and forth, that was until Ava finally locked gazes with me across the room and smiled in my direction. “Well you must be Renaya”

That's me. Ava right?”

She nodded in response “I heard you moved in down the road”

Yeah a couple weeks back” I informed

Finally someone decent to talk to” she exclaimed making her way over and perching on the bed next to me.

Pausing from his task of 'clearing up' most of which consisted of shoving everything into various cupboards, Kyle directed his question at Ava “What does it matter you don't even live in this neighbourhood”

I know, but when I come over here to visit you at least there will be someone here to make my visit worth while”

Picking up what looked like a crumpled navy T-shirt he threw it in our direction, hitting Ava square in the face.

Ew who know how long that has been there” she gasped in disgust, throwing it back into a random corner of the room.

Hey I just tidied that!” Kyle protested.

All Ava did in response was to raise an eyebrow.

I laughed to myself, in response to the memory. I had to admit until recently it was pretty entertaining watching the two of them bicker. I could tell even from such an early stage that it had to do with years of a solid friendship. Over the hours that followed us meeting Ava and I became surprisingly close. We even managed to beat Kyle at his own game. Winning three out of five games on the Xbox. Kyle had said we had the advantage, there being two of us. In our defence we were no experts, Kyle was just a sore loser.

From that day I became apparent that Ava and I made a pretty good team. Kyle had been right about me getting along well with her. I had never really had a best friend. Mainly because I had spent the majority of my childhood, moving from one place to the next meaning I never really had the chance. Now thinking about it Ava had become the one person I could think of that could fill that gap.

Taking out my phone I punched in her number from memory and waited for her to pick up.

“Hm?” A groggy sounding Ava answered on the other end



“You okay?”

“Nu uh””

There was a pause as I waited for her to elaborate, all I got was a sigh.

“Well you sound like crap”

“I look like it too” she admitted, I laughed at her attempt of humour in her ill state.

“Not wanting to sound insensitive or nothing but are you still coming tonight?”

This time she let out an even deeper sigh. “I don't think I'll be able to make it my allergies are playing up, reschedule?”

“Um well I don't mind, but what about Kyle?”

“What about him?”

“Don't play dumb, you know we have to include him too” I reminded although I'm knew she was already aware of that

“I don't owe him anything” she retorted defensively

“Okay so what do you want to do?”

“Well I can't make it tonight, after I get my medicine I should be fine for tomorrow, if you want to let Kyle know, that is up to you, but it makes no difference to my life” she added a little more venomously than what I thought she intended

Mimicking Ava's sigh from earlier, I hated being the one stuck in the middle “Fine I'll text him”

“Okay well I'm going back to sleep, same time tomorrow?”

“Make that 8'clock”

“Fine by me” she agreed a little more cheerful than when she had first picked up the phone.

We hung up after saying our goodbyes and I crossed over to my side of the street. Tapping my phone in my hand, I scrolled down to Kyle number and opened a new text. It had been a while since we had spoken and even then the last time wasn't all that pleasant. Pushing that aside I sent a simple message to say that we would have to reschedule as Ava wasn't well. I wasn't expecting a response, honestly I didn't really think he would bother, but after getting a reply, even though it was just a one word reply, I knew part of him still cared.

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